LM1837 ,Low Noise Preamplifier For Autoreversing Tape Playback Systemsapplicationsrequiringoptimumnoiseperformance.YWide gain bandwidth due to broadband two-amplifierIt ..
LM1837N ,18 V, 9 mA, low noise preamplifier for autoreversing tape playback systemFeatures
I Programmable turn-on delay
I Transient-free power-uP-no pops
l Transient-free mut ..
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LM3S6950-IBZ50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 108-NFBGA -40 to 85/stellarishttp://www-k.ext.ti.com/sc/technical-support/product-information-centers.htm2July15,2014T ..
Low Noise Preamplifier For Autoreversing Tape Playback Systems
April 1987
LM1837 Low Noise Preamplifier for
Autoreversing Tape Playback Systems
General Description
The LM1837isa dual autoreversing high gain tape pream-
plifierfor applications requiring optimumnoise performance. has forward (left, right) and reverse (left, right) inputs
whichare selectable througha high impedance logicpin.Itan ideal choicefora tape playback amplifier whena com-
binationoflow noise, autoreversing, good power supplyre-
jection, andno power-up transientsare desired. The appli-
cation also provides transient-free muting witha single pole
grounding switch.
Features Programmable turn-on delay Transient-free power-upÐno pops Transient-free muting Low noiseÐ0.6mV CCIR/ARMina DIN circuit refer-
encedto1kHz Low voltage battery operation b4V Wide gain bandwidth dueto broadband two-amplifier
approachÐ76dB@20 kHz High power supply rejectionÐ95dB Low distortionÐ0.03% Fast slew rateÐ6V/ms Short circuit protection Internal diodesfor diode switching applications Low cost external parts Excellentlow frequency response Prevents ‘‘click’’ from being recorded ontothe tape dur-
ing power supply cyclingin tape playback applications High impedance logicpinfor forward/reverse switching
Numbersin parenthesesarefor
Small Outline package.
*Not bondedoutin Small Outline
FIGURE 1.Autoreversing Tape Playback Application
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.