LM1818N ,Electronically Switched Audio Tape SystemLM1865AdvancedFMIFSystemFebruary1995LM1865AdvancedFMIFSystemYMeter output proportional to signal le ..
LM1819N ,Air-Core Meter Driverapplications, the encoder section E xt em al modulator bandwidth c 0 nt r ol
can provide a seria ..
LM18293N ,Four Channel Push-Pull DriverLM1872RadioControlReceiver/DecoderFebruary1989LM1872RadioControlReceiver/DecoderGeneralDescription
LM18298T ,Dual Full-Bridge DriverElectrical CharacteristicsV = = = = = =+25V, −V −25V, T 25˚C, R 8Ω,A 20 (26 dB), f 1 kHz, unless ot ..
LM18298T ,Dual Full-Bridge DriverApplicationsDS005030-1Front ViewNSC PackagePackage Ordering InfoNumberFor Straight Leads LM1875T T0 ..
LM1830N ,Fluid Detectorapplications.n Low distortion: 0.015%, 1 kHz, 20 W±The LM1875 delivers 20 watts into a 4Ω or 8Ω loa ..
LM3S628-IQN50-C2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 48-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S628MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S628-15852.2743 Co ..
LM3S6422-IQC25-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S6422MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S6422-15852 .2743 ..
LM3S6432-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S6432MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S6432-15852.2743 ..
LM3S6432-IQC50-A2T ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85/stellarishttp://www-k.ext.ti.com/sc/technical-support/product-information-centers.htm2July15,2014T ..
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LM3S6618-IQC50-A2 ,Stellaris LM3S Microcontroller 100-LQFP -40 to 85TEXAS INSTRUMENTS-PRODUCTION DATA®StellarisLM3S6618MicrocontrollerDATA SHEETDS-LM3S6618-15852 .2743 ..
Electronically Switched Audio Tape System
February 1995
LM1865 Advanced FM IF System
General Description
Reduced external component cost, improved performance,
and additonal functionsarekey featurestothe LM1865FM system.The LM1865is designedforusein electronically
tuned radio applications.It contains both deviationandsig-
nal level stop circuitryin additiontoan open-collector stop
output.The LM1865 generatesa reverse AGC voltage(ie:
decreasing AGC voltagewith increasing signal).
Features On-chip bufferto provide gain and terminate twoce-
ramic filters Low distortion 0.1% typical witha single tuned quadra-
turecoilfor 100% modulation. Broadoff frequency distortion characteristic Low THDat minimum AFT offset Meter output proportionalto signal level Stop detector with open-collector output Adjustable signal level mute/stop threshold, controlled
eitherby ultrasonic noiseinthe recovered audioorby
the meter output Adjustable deviation mute/stop threshold Separate time constantsfor signal level and deviation
mute/stop Dual threshold AGC eliminates needfor local/distance
switchand offers improved immunity from third orderin-
termodulation productsdueto tuner overload User controlof both AGC thresholds Excellent signalto noise ratio,AM rejectionand system
limiting sensitivity
Block Diagram
Order Number LM1865M LM1865N
SeeNS Package Number
M20Bor N20A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.