LM1815MX ,Adaptive Variable Reluctance Sensor AmplifierLM1815 Adaptive Variable Reluctance Sensor AmplifierMarch 2005LM1815Adaptive Variable Reluctance Se ..
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Adaptive Variable Reluctance Sensor Amplifier
Adaptive Variable Reluctance Sensor Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LM1815isan adaptive sense amplifier and default
gating circuitfor motor control applications. The sense am-
plifier providesa one-shot pulse output whose leading edge
coincides with the negative-going zero crossingofa ground
referenced input signal suchas froma variable reluctance
magnetic pick-up coil. normal operation, this timing reference signalis pro-
cessed (delayed) externally and returnedto the LM1815.A
Logic inputis then ableto select either the timing reference the processed signalfor transmissiontothe output driver
The adaptive sense amplifier operates witha positive-going
threshold whichis derivedby peak detecting the incoming
signal and dividing this down. Thus the input hysteresis
varies with input signal amplitude. This enablesthe circuitto
sensein situations where the high speed noiseis greater
thanthe low speed signal amplitude. Minimum input signalis
Features Adaptive hysteresis Single supply operation Ground referenced input True zero crossing timing reference Operates from2Vto 12V supply voltage Handles inputs from 100 mVP-Pto over 120VP-P with
external resistor CMOS compatible logic
Applications Position sensing with notched wheels Zero crossing switch Motor speed control Tachometer Engine testing
Connection DiagramTop View
Order Number LM1815Mor LM1815N
See NS Package Number M14Aor N14A
March 2005