LM343H ,High Voltage Operational AmplifierLM143/LM343HighVoltageOperationalAmplifierFebruary1995LM143/LM343HighVoltageOperationalAmplifierGen ..
LM343H ,High Voltage Operational AmplifierFeaturesYWide supply voltage range g4.0V tog40VThe LM143 is a general purpose high voltage operatio ..
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High Voltage Operational Amplifier
February 1995
LM143/LM343 High Voltage
Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LM143isa general purpose high voltage operational
amplifier featuring operationto g40V, complete input over-
voltage protectionupto g40Vand input currents compara-
bleto thoseof other super-bop amps. Increased slew rate,
together with higher common-mode and supply rejection,
insure improved performanceat high supply voltages. Oper-
ating characteristics,in particular supply current, slew rate
and gain,are virtually independentof supply voltage and
temperature. Furthermore, gainis unaffectedby output
loadingat high supply voltagesdueto thermal symmetryon
thedie.The LM143ispin compatible with general purpose ampsandhas offsetnull capability.
Application areas include thoseof general purposeop
amps,butcanbe extendedto higher voltagesand higher
output power when externally boosted.For example, when
usedin audio power applications,the LM143 providesa
power bandwidththat coversthe entire audio spectrum.In
addition,the LM143 canbe reliably operatedin environ-
ments with large overvoltage spikesonthe power supplies,
where other internally-compensatedop amps would suffer
catastrophic failure.
The LM343is similartothe LM143for applicationsin less
severe supply voltageand temperature environments.
Features Wide supply voltage range g4.0Vto g40V Large output voltage swing g37V Wide input common-mode range g38V Input overvoltage protection Full g40V Supply currentis virtually independentof supply voltage
and temperature
Unique Characteristics Low input bias current 8.0nA Low input offset current 1.0nA High slew rateÐessentially independentof temperature
and supply voltage 2.5V/ms High voltage gainÐvirtually independentof resistive
loading, temperature,and supply voltage 100kmin Internally compensatedfor unity gain Output short circuit protectionPin compatible with general purposeop amps
Connection Diagram
Metal Can Package
Top View
OrderNumberLM143H, LM143H/883*or LM343H
SeeNS PackageNumberH08C
*Availableper SMDÝ7800303
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.