LM140LAH-5.0/883 ,3-Terminal Positive RegulatorsFeaturesg2% V specification, 0.04%/V line regulation, andOUTYLine regulation of 0.04%/V0.01%/mAload ..
LM1414J ,10 mA, 1000 mW, dual differential voltage comparatorapplications requiring high accuracy and
fast response times. The device is constructed on a singl ..
LM1414N ,10 mA, 1000 mW, dual differential voltage comparatorLM1514/LM1414
Dual Differential Voltage Comparator
LM143H ,High Voltage Operational Amplifierapplications, the LM143 provides aYpower bandwidth that covers the entire audio spectrum. In Output ..
LM1458 ,Dual Operational AmplifierLM1558/LM1458February1995LM1558/LM1458DualOperationalAmplifierGeneralDescription
Lm1458 ,Dual Operational AmplifierLM1558/LM1458February1995LM1558/LM1458DualOperationalAmplifierGeneralDescription
LM393ST ,Standard Open-Collector ComparatorLM193, ALM293, A - LM393, ALow Power Dual Voltage Comparators■ Wide single supply voltage range or ..
LM393TL ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorFeaturestic in that the input common-mode voltage range includesground, even though operated from a ..
LM393WDT ,Standard Open-Collector ComparatorLM193W - LM293W LM393WLOW POWER DUAL VOLTAGE COMPARATORS
3-Terminal Positive Regulators
February 1995
LM140L/LM340L Series 3-Terminal Positive Regulators
General Description
The LM140L seriesof three terminal positive regulatorsis
available with several fixed output voltages making them
usefulina wide rangeof applications. The LM140LAisan
improved versionofthe LM78LXX series witha tighterout-
put voltagetolerance(specified overthefull military temper-
ature range), higher ripple rejection, better regulationand
lower quiescent current. The LM140LA regulators have
g2% VOUT specification, 0.04%/V line regulation, and
0.01%/mAloadregulation. When usedasa zenerdiode/re-
sistor combination replacement,the LM140LA usuallyre-
sultsinan effective output impedance improvementoftwo
ordersof magnitude, and lower quiescent current. These
regulatorscan provide localon card regulation, eliminating
the distribution problems associated with single point regu-
lation. Thevoltagesavailable allowthe LM140LAtobe used
inlogic systems, instrumentation,Hi-Fi,and other solid state
electronic equipment. Although designed primarilyas fixed
voltage regulators, these devicescanbe usedwith external
componentsto obtain adjustable voltagesand currents.
The LM140LA/LM340LAare availableinthelow profile
metal three lead TO-39(H)and theLM340LAare also avail-
able inthe plastic TO-92(Z). With adequateheat sinkingthe
regulatorcan deliver100mA output current. Current limiting includedto limitthe peak output currenttoa safe value.
Safe area protectionforthe output transistoris providedto
limit internal power dissipation.If internal power dissipation
becomestoo highforthe heat sinking provided,the thermal
shut-down circuit takes over, preventingtheIC from over-
For applications requiring other voltages,see LM117L Data
Features Line regulationof 0.04%/V Load regulationof 0.01%/mA Output voltage tolerancesof g2%atTje 25§Cand
g4% overthe temperature range (LM140LA)
g3% overthe temperature range (LM340LA) Output currentof 100mA Internal thermal overload protection Output transistor safe area protection Internal short circuit current limit Availablein metal TO-39 low profile package
(LM140LA/LM340LA) and plastic TO-92 (LM340LA)
Output Voltage Options
LM140LA-5.0 5V LM340LA-5.0 5V
LM140LA-12 12V LM340LA-12 12V
LM140LA-15 15V LM340LA-15 15V
Connection Diagrams
TO-39 Metal Can Package(H)
Bottom View
Order Number LM140LAH-5.0,LM140LAH-5.0/883, LM140LAH-12,
LM140LAH-12/883, LM140LAH-15, LM140LAH-15/883, LM340LAH-5.0, LM340LAH-12 orLM340LAH-15
SeeNS PackageNumberH03A
TO-92 Plastic Package(Z)
Bottom View
Order Number LM340LAZ-5.0, LM340LAZ-12or LM340LAZ-15
SeeNS Package Number Z03A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.