LM139AJ ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad ComparatorLM139JAN Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad ComparatorsFebruary 2005LM139JANLow Power Low Offset Vol ..
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Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparator
Low Power Low Offset Voltage Quad Comparators
General DescriptionThe LM139 consistsof four independent precision voltage
comparators withan offset voltage specificationas lowas2 maxforall four comparators. These were designed
specificallyto operate froma single power supply overa
wide rangeof voltages. Operation from split power supplies also possible and the low power supply current drainis
independentof the magnitudeofthe power supply voltage.
These comparators also havea unique characteristicin that
the input common-mode voltage range includes ground,
even though operated froma single power supply voltage.
Application areas include limit comparators, simple analogto
digital converters; pulse, squarewave and time delay gen-
erators; wide range VCO; MOS clock timers; multivibrators
and high voltage digital logic gates. The LM139 was de-
signedto directly interface with TTL and CMOS. When op-
erated from both plus and minus power supplies, they will
directly interface with MOS logic— where the low power
drainof the LM139isa distinct advantage over standard
Features Wide supply voltage range 5Vto36 VDCor ±2.5Vto±18 VDC Very low supply current drain (0.8 mA)— independent supply voltage Low input biasing current: 25nA Low input offset current: ±5nA Offset voltage: ±3mV Input common-mode voltage range includes GND Differential input voltage range equalto the power
supply voltage Low output saturation voltage: 250 mVat4 mA Output voltage compatible with TTL, DTL, ECL, MOS
and CMOS logic systems
Advantages High precision comparators Reduced VOS drift over temperature Eliminates needfor dual supplies Allows sensing near GND Compatible withall formsof logic Power drain suitablefor battery operation
Ordering Information Part Number JAN Part Number NS Package Number Package DescriptionJL139BCA JM38510/11201BCA J14A 14LD CERDIP
JL139SCA JM38510/11201SCA J14A 14LD CERDIP
JL139BZA JM38510/11201BZA WG14A 14LD Ceramic SOIC
JL139SZA JM38510/11201SZA WG14A 14LD Ceramic SOIC
JL139BDA JM38510/11201BDA W14B 14LD CERPACK
JL139SDA JM38510/11201SDA W14B 14LD CERPACK
February 2005