LM234Z-3 ,3-Terminal Adjustable Current SourceGeneral DescriptionLM234-6 are specified as true temperature sensors withThe LM134/LM234/LM334 are ..
LM234Z-6 ,3-Terminal Adjustable Current SourceLM134/LM234/LM334 3-Terminal Adjustable Current SourcesMarch 2000LM134/LM234/LM3343-Terminal Adjust ..
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LM235AH ,Precision Temperature SensorLM135/LM235/LM335, LM135A/LM235A/LM335A Precision Temperature SensorsNovember 2000LM135/LM235/LM335 ..
LM235H ,Precision Temperature SensorFeaturesnamic impedance the device operates over a current rangen Directly calibrated in ˚Kelvinof ..
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LM4040DIM3-5.0-T ,5.0 V, improved precision micropower shunt voltage reference with multiple reverse breakdown voltageELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—2.048V(I = 100µA, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typical values ar ..
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3-Terminal Adjustable Current Source
3-Terminal Adjustable Current Sources
General DescriptionThe LM134/LM234/LM334 are 3-terminal adjustable current
sources featuring 10,000:1 rangein operating current, excel-
lent current regulation anda wide dynamic voltage rangeofto 40V. Currentis established with one external resistor
andno other parts are required. Initial current accuracyis
±3%. The LM134/LM234/LM334 are true floating current
sources withno separate power supply connections.In ad-
dition, reverse applied voltagesofupto 20Vwill draw onlya
few dozen microamperesof current, allowingthe devicesto
actas botha rectifier and current sourceinAC applications.
The sense voltage usedto establish operating currentinthe
LM134is 64mVat 25˚C andis directly proportionalto abso-
lute temperature (˚K). The simplest one external resistor
connection, then, generatesa current with ≈+0.33%/˚C tem-
perature dependence. Zero drift operation canbe obtained adding one extra resistor anda diode.
Applicationsfor the current sources include bias networks,
surge protection, low power reference, ramp generation,
LED driver, and temperature sensing. The LM234-3 and
LM234-6 are specifiedas true temperature sensors with
guaranteed initial accuracyof ±3˚C and ±6˚C, respectively.
These devices are idealin remote sense applications be-
cause series resistancein long wire runs does not affect
accuracy.In addition, only2 wires are required.
The LM134is guaranteed overa temperature rangeof
−55˚Cto +125˚C,the LM234 from −25˚Cto +100˚C andthe
LM334 from 0˚Cto +70˚C. These devices are availablein
TO-46 hermetic, TO-92 and SO-8 plastic packages.
Features Operates from1Vto 40V 0.02%/V current regulation Programmable from 1µAto 10mA True 2-terminal operation Availableas fully specified temperature sensor ±3% initial accuracy
Connection Diagrams
Surface Mount Package
SO-8 Alternative Pinout
Surface Mount PackageOrder Number LM334Mor LM334MX
See NS Package Number M08A
Order Number LM334SMor LM334SMX
See NS Package Number M08A
Metal Can Package TO-92 Plastic Package
00569712−Pinis electrically connectedto case.
Bottom View
Order Number LM134H,
LM234Hor LM334H
See NS PackageBottom View
Order Number LM334Z, LM234Z-3or LM234Z-6
See NS Package Number Z03A
March 2000