LM13121Z-5.0 ,3-Terminal Negative RegulatorsFeaturesseries, even when combined with a minimum output com-pensation capacitor of 0.1µF, exhibits ..
LM134H ,3-Terminal Adjustable Current SourceFeaturesThe sense voltage used to establish operating current in then Operates from 1V to 40VLM134 ..
LM135AH ,Precision Temperature SensorLM135/LM235/LM335, LM135A/LM235A/LM335A Precision Temperature SensorsNovember 2000LM135/LM235/LM335 ..
LM135H ,Precision Temperature SensorGeneral DescriptionThe LM135 is a precision, easily-calibrated, integrated circuit temperature sens ..
LM13600 ,Dual Operational Transconductance Amplifier with Linearizing Diodes and BuffersLM13600DualOperationalTransconductanceAmplifierswithLinearizingDiodesandBuffersFebruary1995LM13600D ..
LM393CD , Dual Differential Comparator
LM393D ,SINGLE SUPPLY, LOW POWER DUAL COMPARATORSOrder this document by LM393/D * ** * ** ** **SINGLE SUPPLY, LOW POWERThe LM393 series are dual in ..
LM393DG , Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators
LM393DG , Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators
LM393DGKR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorElectrical Characteristics for LM193, LM293, and 11.1 Related Links.. 15LM393 (without A suffix)... ..
LM393DGKR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorSupport & ReferenceProduct Order Tools &TechnicalCommunityDesignFolder Now Documents SoftwareLM193, ..
3-Terminal Negative Regulators
LM320L/LM79LXXAC/LM13121 Series
3-Terminal Negative Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM320L/LM79LXXAC/LM13121 dual marked seriesof
3-terminal negative voltage regulators features fixed output
voltagesof −5V, −12V, and −15V with output current capa-
bilitiesin excessof 100mA. These devices were designed
usingthe latest computer techniquesfor optimizingthe pack-
agedIC thermal/electrical performance. The LM79LXXAC
series, even when combined witha minimum output com-
pensation capacitorof 0.1µF, exhibitsan excellent transient
response,a maximum line regulationof 0.07% VO/V, anda
maximum load regulationof 0.01% VO/mA.
The LM320L/LM79LXXAC/LM13121 series also includes,as
self-protection circuitry: safe operating area circuitryfor out-
put transistor power dissipation limiting,a temperature inde-
pendent short circuit current limitfor peak output current
limiting, anda thermal shutdown circuitto prevent excessive
junction temperature. Although designed primarilyas fixed
voltage regulators, these devices maybe combined with
simple external circuitryfor boosted and/or adjustable volt-
ages and currents. The LM79LXXAC seriesis availablein
the 3-lead TO-92 package, 8-lead SOIC package, and the
6-Bump micro SMD package. The LM320L seriesis avail-
ablein the 3-lead TO-92 package.
For output voltage other than −5V, −12V and −15V, the
LM137L series providesan output voltage range from 1.2V 47V.
Features Preset output voltage erroris less than ±5% overload,
line and temperature Specifiedatan output currentof 100mA Easily compensated witha small 0.1µF output
capacitor Internal short-circuit, thermal and safe operating area
protection Easily adjustableto higher output voltages Maximum line regulation less than 0.07% VOUT/V Maximum load regulation less than 0.01% VOUT/mA See AN-1112for micro SMD considerations
Typical Applications
Fixed Output Regulator*Requiredifthe regulatoris locatedfar fromthe power supply filter.A1µF
aluminum electrolyticmaybe substituted.
**Requiredfor stability.A1µF aluminum electrolytic maybe substituted.
Adjustable Output Regulator−V0=−5V− (5V/R1+IQ)R2,
5V/R1> 3IQ
Connection Diagrams
6-Bump micro SMDBump Side Down
TO-92 Plastic Package(Z)
Bottom View
January 2003