LM12L458CIV ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-CalibrationGeneral Description Key Specifications=The LM12L458 is a highly integrated 3.3V Data Acquisition (f ..
LM12L458CIV/NOPB ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-PLCC -40 to 85
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12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration
12-Bit+ Sign Data Acquisition System with
General DescriptionThe LM12L458isa highly integrated 3.3V Data Acquisition
System.It combinesa fully-differential self-calibrating (cor-
recting linearity and zero errors) 13-bit (12-bit+ sign)
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and sample-and-hold
(S/H)with extensive analog functionsand digital functional-
ity.Upto32 consecutive conversions, using two’s comple-
ment format,canbe storedinan internal 32-word (16-bit
wide) FIFO data buffer.An internal 8-word RAMcan store
the conversion sequencefor upto eight acquisitionsthrough
the LM12L458’s eight-input multiplexer.The LM12L458can
also operatewith 8-bit+sign resolutionandina supervisory
“watchdog” modethat comparesan input signal againsttwo
programmable limits. Programmable acquisition times and
conversion ratesare possible throughthe useof internal
clock-driven timers.
All registers, RAM, and FIFO are directly addressable
through thehighspeed microprocessor interfaceto eitheran
8-bitor 16-bit databus. The LM12L458 includesa direct
memory access (DMA) interfacefor high-speed conversion
data transfer.
Applications Data Logging Process Control Energy Management Medical Instrumentation
Key Specifications(fCLK=6 MHz) Resolution 12-bit+ signor 8-bit+ sign 13-bit conversion time 7.3μs 9-bit conversion time 3.5μs 13-bit Through-put rate 106k samples/s (min) Comparison time (“watchdog” mode) 1.8μs (max)ILE ±1 LSB (max)VIN range GNDtoVA+ Power dissipation 15mW (max) Stand-by mode 5μW (typ) Single supply 3Vto 5.5V
Features Three operating modes: 12-bit+ sign, 8-bit+ sign,and
“watchdog” Single-endedor differential inputs Built-in Sample-and-Hold Instruction RAMand event sequencer 8-channel multiplexer 32-word conversion FIFO Programmable acquisition timesand conversion rates Self-calibrationand diagnostic mode8-or 16-bit wide databus microprocessoror DSP
interface CMOS compatibleI/O
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
AT®isa registeredtrademarkof InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation.
July 1999
Self-Calibration©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS011711