LM12L458CIV/NOPB ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-PLCC -40 to 85
LM131 ,Precision Voltage-to-Frequency Converterapplications. Further, the LM131A/YSplit or single supply operationLM231A/LM331A attains a new high ..
LM13121Z-12 ,3-Terminal Negative Regulatorsfeatures fixed outputFor output voltage other than −5V, −12V and −15V, thevoltages of −5V, −12V, an ..
LM13121Z-15 ,3-Terminal Negative RegulatorsApplicationsAdjustable Output RegulatorFixed Output Regulator0077480100774803*Required if the regul ..
LM13121Z-5.0 ,3-Terminal Negative RegulatorsFeaturesseries, even when combined with a minimum output com-pensation capacitor of 0.1µF, exhibits ..
LM134H ,3-Terminal Adjustable Current SourceFeaturesThe sense voltage used to establish operating current in then Operates from 1V to 40VLM134 ..
LM393AP ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorElectrical Characteristics for LM2903, LM2903V, and11.4 Trademarks..... 15LM2903AV.. 811.5 Electros ..
LM393APSR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorElectrical Characteristics for LM2903, LM2903V, and11.4 Trademarks..... 15LM2903AV.. 811.5 Electros ..
LM393APSRG4 ,Dual Differential Comparator 8-SO 0 to 70Features. 1• Removed Ordering Information table....... 3• Added ESD warning.... 15Copyright 1979–2 ..
LM393APWR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorSupport & ReferenceProduct Order Tools &TechnicalCommunityDesignFolder Now Documents SoftwareLM193, ..
LM393APWR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorFeatures 3 DescriptionThese devices consist of two independent voltage1• Single-Supply or Dual Supp ..
LM393APWR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorElectrical Characteristics for LM193, LM293, and 11.1 Related Links.. 15LM393 (without A suffix)... ..
12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-PLCC -40 to 85