LM12H458CIV/NOPB ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-PLCC -40 to 85FEATURESDESCRIPTION23• Three operating modes: 12-bit + sign, 8-bit +The LM12458, and LM12H458 are h ..
LM12H458CIVF ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-CalibrationFeaturesreference voltage input can be externally generated for ab-n Three operating modes: 12-bit ..
LM12H458CIVF ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibrationapplications information can be found in applica-n 8- or 16-bit wide databus dmicroprocessor or DSP ..
LM12H458CIVF/NOPB ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-QFP -40 to 85Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indi ..
LM12L458CIV ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-CalibrationGeneral Description Key Specifications=The LM12L458 is a highly integrated 3.3V Data Acquisition (f ..
LM12L458CIV/NOPB ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-PLCC -40 to 85
LM393AM ,Dual ComparatorLM2903/LM2903I,LM393/LM393A, LM293/LM293ADual Differential Comparator
LM393AMX ,Dual ComparatorBlock DiagramRev. 1.0.32001 Fairchild Semiconductor CorporationLM2903/LM2903I,LM393/LM393A, LM29 ..
LM393AN ,Dual ComparatorLM193, LM293, LM393Low power dual voltage comparatorsDatasheet − production data
LM393AP ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorElectrical Characteristics for LM2903, LM2903V, and11.4 Trademarks..... 15LM2903AV.. 811.5 Electros ..
LM393APSR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorElectrical Characteristics for LM2903, LM2903V, and11.4 Trademarks..... 15LM2903AV.. 811.5 Electros ..
LM393APSRG4 ,Dual Differential Comparator 8-SO 0 to 70Features. 1• Removed Ordering Information table....... 3• Added ESD warning.... 15Copyright 1979–2 ..
12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-PLCC -40 to 85
LM12454, LM12458, LM12H458
www.ti.com SNAS079A –MAY 2004–REVISED FEBRUARY 2006
LM12454/LM12458/LM12H458 12-Bit+ Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration
Checkfor Samples: LM12454, LM12458, LM12H458
23• Three operating modes: 12-bit+ sign, 8-bit+ The LM12458, and LM12H458 are highly integrated
sign, and “watchdog” Data Acquisition Systems. Operatingon just 5V, they
• Single-endedor differential inputs combinea fully-differential self-calibrating (correcting
Built-in Sample-and-Hold and 2.5V bandgap linearity and zero errors) 13-bit (12-bit+ sign) analog-
reference to-digital converter (ADC) and sample-and-hold (S/H)
with extensive analog functions and digital
• Instruction RAM and event sequencer functionality. Upto32 consecutive conversions, using
• 8-channel multiplexer two's complement format, canbe storedinan internal
32-word conversion FIFO 32-word (16-bit wide) FIFO data buffer. An internal8-
word RAM can store the conversion sequence for up
• Programmable acquisition times and to eight acquisitions through the LM12(H)458's eight-
conversion rates input multiplexer. The obsolete LM12454 hasa four-
• Self-calibration and diagnostic mode channel multiplexer,a differential multiplexer output,
8-or 16-bit wide data bus microprocessoror anda differential S/H input. The LM12(H)458 can
DSP interface also operate with 8-bit+ sign resolution andina
supervisory “watchdog” mode that comparesan input
signal against two programmable limits.
APPLICATIONSProgrammable acquisition times and conversion rates
• Data Logging are possible through the useof internal clock-driven
• Instrumentation timers. The reference voltage input canbe externally
• Process Control generated for absoluteor ratiometric operationor can derived using the internal 2.5V bandgap
• Energy Managementreference.
• Inertial GuidanceAll registers, RAM, and FIFO are directly addressable
KEY SPECIFICATIONS through the high speed microprocessor interfaceto
either an 8-bitor 16-bit data bus. The LM12(H)458
• Resolution: 12-bit+ signor 8-bit+ sign includesa direct memory access (DMA) interface for
• 13-bit conversion time: 8.8 μs, 5.5μs (H) (max) high-speed conversion data transfer.
9-bit conversion time: 4.2 μs, 2.6 μs (H) (max) Additional applications information can be foundin
rate: applications notes AN-906, AN-947 and AN-949.
(H)μs (max) Power dissipation: (H) (max)