LM1296N ,Raster Geometry Correction System for Multi-Frequency DisplaysGeneral Descriptionn DC-controlled correction termsThe LM1296 is a monolithic IC for use in the ras ..
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Raster Geometry Correction System for Multi-Frequency Displays
Raster Geometry Correction System for Multi-Frequency
General DescriptionThe LM1296isa monolithicICfor useinthe raster scanning
circuitryofa multi-frequency CRT monitor. TheIC provides S-corrected sawtoothwaveformanda variableDC output
voltage. Thesetwo outputs drivethe vertical deflectionam-
plifier.It also provides another waveformfor East-Westge-
ometry correction which includes pincushion, corner, and
trapezoid controls.The geometry correctionis controlledby input voltages from0Vto4V.
The raster height andthe raster vertical positioncanbe con-
trolledbytwoDC voltage input pinsthat adjustthe sawtooth
waveformamplitudeandthe variableDC output voltage.The
East-West correctionofthe LM1296has height trackingand
vertical position tracking capabilities.Asthe heightor posi-
tionof therasteris adjustedthe geometrycorrectionis main-
tainedbythe chip automatically.
The LM1296is packagedina 16-pin plasticDIP package.
Features Vertical scanning frequency50 Hz–165Hz Accepts either polarityofV sync DC-controlled correction terms Raster vertical position control Vertical S-correction (linearity) control East-West pincushion control East-West trapezoid control East-West corner control Provides both polaritiesof correction output East-West correction tracks raster vertical positionand
height Compatible with LM1290and LM1292 horizontal PLL
Applications Vertical deflectionof monitors
Connection DiagramDS012894-1
Order Number LM1296N
SeeNS Package Number N16AFebruary 1998
Displays©1998NationalSemiconductor Corporation DS012894