LM1295N ,DC Controlled Geometry Correction System for Continuous Sync MonitorsLM1295 DC Controlled Geometry Correction System for Continuous Sync MonitorsApril 1999LM1295DC Cont ..
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DC Controlled Geometry Correction System for Continuous Sync Monitors
LM1295 Controlled Geometry Correction System for
Continuous Sync Monitors
General DescriptionThe LM1295is specifically designedforuseina continuous
sync monitor. The injection-locked vertical oscillator oper-
ates from50Hzto170Hz, coveringall known video moni-
tors. Adifferential output currentis providedin orderto pre-
vent ground interaction.
TheIC providestwo outputs composedofthe summationof controlled1stand2nd order output terms.Thefirstout-
put correctsforEW pincushionand trapezoid. The second
correctsfor parallelogramand bow. DCcontrolled outputis providedfor vertical dynamicfocus
TheICis packagedina 24-pin narrowDIP packageandop-
eratesona single12V power supply.
Features Vertical scanning frequency50 Hz–170HzDC controlled correction term amplitudesUpto125kHz bandwidthfor dynamic input signals Minimum external parts count MultipleIC connectionfor convergence applications
flexibility Stable vertical amplitude over temperature Compatible withthe LM1291 Horizontal PLLinaH/V
system Dynamic vertical deflection correctionfor second anode
high voltage drop Both positiveand negative going correction signals
Connection DiagramDS012324-1
FIGURE1. Order Number LM1295N
SeeNS Package Number N24CApril 1999
Monitors 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012324