LM1292N ,Video PLL System for Continuous-Sync MonitorsLM1292 Video PLL System for Continuous-Sync MonitorsApril 1999LM1292Video PLL System for Continuous ..
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Video PLL System for Continuous-Sync Monitors
Video PLL System for Continuous-Sync Monitors
General DescriptionThe LM1292isa verylow jitter, integrated horizontal time
basesolution specifically designedto operatein high perfor-
mance, continuous-sync video monitors.It automatically
synchronizestoanyH frequency from22 kHzto125 kHz
and providesthe drive pulsetothe high power deflectioncir-
Available sync processing includesa vertical sync separator
anda composite video sync stripper.An internal sync selec-
tion scheme gives highest priorityto separateHandV sync,
then composite sync,and finally syncon video;no external
switching between sync sourcesis necessary.The LM1292
provides polarity-normalized H/HVandV sync outputs.
The LM1292 design uses an on-chip FVC
(Frequency-to-Voltage Converter)toset the center fre-
quencyofthe VCO (Voltage-Controlled Oscillator). This
technique allows autosync operation overthe entirefre-
quency range usingjustone optimizedsetof external com-
The system includesa second phase detector which com-
pensatesfor storage time variationinthe horizontal output
transistor;the picture’s horizontal positionis thus indepen-
dentof temperatureand component variance.
The LM1292 providesDC control pinsforH Drive duty cycle
and flyback phase.
Features Wide continuous autosync range—22 kHz–125kHz
(1:5.7) withno component switchingor external
adjustmentsNo manufacturing trims required—internal VCO
capacitor trimmedon chipNo costly high-precision components needed Verylow phase jitter (below800psat125 kHz)DC controlledH phaseand duty cycle Video mute pulsefor blanking duringH frequency
transitions Input sync prioritization Clamp pulse positionand width control Continuous clamp pulse output, even withno sync input Resistor-programmable minimumand maximum VCO
frequency X-ray input disablesH driveand mutes video until VCC
powered downH drive disabledfor VCC< 9.5V Horizontal output transistor protected against accidental
turn-on during flyback Capacitor-programmable frequency ramping,df vco/dt,
protectsH output transistor during scanning mode
Connection DiagramDS012844-1
FIGURE1. Order Number LM1292N
SeeNS Package Number N28BApril 1999
Monitors 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012844