LM1290N ,Autosync Horizontal Deflection ProcessorLM1290 Autosync Horizontal Deflection ProcessorJanuary 1997LM1290Autosync Horizontal Deflection Pro ..
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Autosync Horizontal Deflection Processor
Autosync Horizontal Deflection Processor
General DescriptionThe LM1290isa high-performance, low-costdeflection solu-
tionfor autosync monitors.
The LM1290 providesfull autosync capability,DC controls
and complete freedomfrom manufacturing trims.Its continu-
ous capture rangeis from22 kHzto110kHz (1:5). Mode
change frequency ramping,for protectionofthe horizontal
deflection outputtransistor,is programmableby using anex-
ternal capacitor.
Together withthe National Semiconductor LM1296 Raster
Geometry Correction Systemfor Multi-Frequency Displays,
excellent performanceis offered.The two-chip solution pro-
videsthe advantageof good jitter performance, simplified
board layout,and lower system cost.
The LM1290is packagedina 14-pin plasticDIP package.
Features Full autosync—22 kHzto110 kHz withno component
switchingor external adjustmentsNo manufacturing trims needed— internal VCO
capacitor trimmedon chip Sample-and-hold circuitforfast top-of-screen phase
recovery, even when using composite sync DC-controlledH phaseand duty cycle Resistor-programmable minimum VCO frequency Excellent jitter performance X-ray input disablesH drive until VCC powered down Low VCC disablesH drive (VCC< 8.5V)H output transistor protected against accidentalturnon
during flyback Capacitor-programmable frequency ramping, dfVCO/dt,
protectsH output transistor during scanning mode
Connection DiagramDS012917-1
Order Number LM1290N
SeeNS Package Number N14AJanuary 1997
Processor 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012917