LM1281N ,85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with On Screen Display (OSD)General Descriptionn On chip blanking, outputs under 0.1 V when blankedThe LM1281 is a full feature ..
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85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with On Screen Display (OSD)
LM1281 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with On Screen
Display (OSD)
General DescriptionThe LM1281isa fullfeature videoamplifierwith OSDinputs,
all withina 28-pin package. This partis intendedforusein
monitors with resolutionsupto 1024x 768.The video sec-
tionofthe LM1281 features three matched video amplifiers
with blanking.Allofthe video amplifier adjustments feature
high input impedance0Vto4VDC controls, providing easy
interfacingto bus controlled alignment systems. The OSD
section features threeTTL inputsandaDC contrast control.
The switching betweenthe OSD and video sectionis con-
trolledbya single TTL input. Althoughthe OSD signalsare
TTL inputs, these signalsare internally processedto match
the OSD logiclow leveltothe video black level. Whenad-
justingthe drive controlsfor color balanceofthe videosig-
nal,the color balanceofthe OSD displaywill track these
color adjustments. The LM1281 also featuresan internal
spot killer circuitto protectthe CRT whenthe monitoris
turnedoff.For applications without OSD insertion pleasere-
fertothe LM1205or LM1208 data sheets.
Features Three wideband video amplifiers85 MHz@−3dBVPP output) TTL OSD inputs,50 MHz bandwidthOn chip blanking, outputs under0.1V when blanked High speed Video/OSD switch Independent drive controlfor each channelfor color
balance0Vto4V, high impedanceDC contrast control with overdB range0Vto4V, high impedanceDC drive control(0dBto
−12dB range)0Vto4V, high impedanceDC OSD contrast control with
over40dB range Capableof7VPP output swing (slight reductionin
bandwidth) Output stage directly drives most hybridor discrete CRT
Applications High resolution RGB CRT monitors requiring OSD
Block and Connection DiagramDS012355-1
FIGURE1. Order Number LM1281N
SeeNS Package Number N28BApril 1999
(OSD) 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS012355