LM1279AN ,110 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with OSDLM1279 110 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with OSDSeptember 1998LM1279110 MHz RGB Video Amplifier S ..
LM1279N ,110 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with OSDFeaturesn Interface amplifiers for LCD or CCD systems@n Three wideband video amplifiers 110 MHz −3d ..
LM1279N. ,110 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with OSDGeneral Descriptionn 3.5 kV ESD protectionThe LM1279 is a full featured and low cost video amplifie ..
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110 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with OSD
110 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with OSD
General DescriptionThe LM1279isafull featuredandlow cost video amplifier
with OSD(On Screen Display).8V operationforlow power
and increased reliability. Suppliedina 20-pinDIP package,
accommodating very compact designsofthe video channel
requiring OSD.All video functions controlledby0Vto4V
high impedanceDC inputs. This provideseasy interfacingto DACs usedin computer controlled systems and digital
alignment systems. Unique OSD switching,no OSD switch-
ingsignalrequired.AnOSDsignalatany OSDinputtypically
switchesthe LM1279tothe OSD mode within5ns. Ideal
video amplifierforthelow cost OSD monitorwith resolutionsto 1280x 1024.The LM1279 providessuperiorprotection
against ESD. Excellent alternativeforthe MC13282in new
Features Three wideband video amplifiers110 MHz@ −3dB(4
VPP output) OSD signaltoany OSD inputpin automatically switches
all3 outputstothe OSD mode Fast OSD switching time, typically5ns3.5kV ESD protection Fixed cutoff level typicallysetto 1.35V0Vto4V, high impedanceDC contrast control with overdB range0Vto4V, high impedanceDC drive control(0dBto
−12dB range) Matched (±0.3dBor 3.5%) attenuatorsfor contrast
control Output stage directly drives CRT drivers Ideal combination with LM2407 CRT driver
Applications High resolution RGB CRT monitors Video AGC amplifiers Wideband amplifiers with contrastand drive controls Interface amplifiersfor LCDor CCD systems
Block and Connection DiagramDS100091-1
FIGURE1. Order Number LM1279N
SeeNS Package Number N20ASeptember 1998
OSD 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100091