LM124J/883 ,Low Power Quad Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings+32Vdc or ±16VdcSupply Voltage, VDifferential Input Voltage 32VdcInput Voltage−0.3Vd ..
LM124JB ,Quad General-Purpose Operational AmplifierSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareLM224K,LM224KA,LM324 ..
LM124JB ,Quad General-Purpose Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics for LMx24A andLM324KA.... 6 12.2 Related Links.. 156.8 Operating Conditi ..
LM124M ,Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-CDIP -55 to 125Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)LMx24, LMx24x,L ..
LM1262NA ,200 MHz I2C Compatible RGB Video Amplifier System with OSD and DACsGeneral DescriptionBrightnessThe LM1262 pre-amp is an integrated CMOS CRT pre-amp.n Vertical blank ..
LM391N-100 ,LM391 Audio Power DriverLM391AudioPowerDriverDecember1994LM391AudioPowerDriverGeneralDescription
LM392 ,Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage ComparatorFeatures– Internally Frequency Compensated forUnity Gain– Large DC Voltage Gain: 100 dB– Wide Bandw ..
LM392 ,Low Power Operational Amplifier/Voltage ComparatorFeaturesYWide power supply voltage rangeThe LM392 series consists of 2 independent building blockSi ..
LM392DR ,Low-Power Operational Amplifier and Voltage Comparator 8-SOIC 0 to 70Electrical CharacteristicsV+ = 5 V (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS T MIN TYP MAX ..
LM392DR2G , Low Power Operational Amplifier and Comparator
LM392DRG4 ,Low-Power Operational Amplifier and Voltage Comparator 8-SOIC 0 to 70Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier 14-CFP -55 to 125
www.ti.com SNOSAE0K –AUGUST 2004–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM124AQML LM124QML Low Power Quad Operational Amplifiers
Checkfor Samples: LM124AQML, LM124QML
1FEATURES Power Supply Voltage Large Output Voltage Swing 0VtoV+− 1.5V Available with Radiation Specification High Dose Rate 100 krad(Si) DESCRIPTION– ELDRS Free 100 krad(Si) The LM124/124A consistsof four independent, high
• Internally Frequency Compensated for Unity gain, internally frequency compensated operational
Gain amplifiers which were designed specificallyto operate
froma single power supply overa wide rangeof
• Large DC Voltage Gain 100 dBvoltages. Operation from split power suppliesis also
• Wide Bandwidth (Unity Gain)1 MHz possible and the low power supply current drainis
(Temperature Compensated) independentof the magnitudeof the power supply
• Wide Power Supply Range: voltage.
Single Supply 3Vto 32V Application areas include transducer amplifiers, DC
– Or Dual Supplies ±1.5Vto ±16V gain blocks andall the conventional op amp circuits
which now canbe more easily implementedin single
• Very Low Supply Current Drain (700 μA)— power supply systems. For example, the LM124/124A
Essentially Independentof Supply Voltage can be directly operated offof the standard +5Vdc
• Low Input Biasing Current45 nA power supply voltage whichis usedin digital systems
(Temperature Compensated) and will easily provide the required interface
Low Input Offset Voltage2 mV electronics without requiring the additional +15Vdc
power supplies.
and Offset Current:5 nA Input Common-Mode Voltage Range Includes
Ground Differential Input Voltage Range Equalto the
Unique Characteristics In the Linear Mode, the Input Common-Mode Voltage Rrange Includes Ground and the Output Voltage can
also Swingto Ground, even though Operated from Onlya Single Power Supply Voltage The Unity Gain Cross Frequencyis Temperature Compensated The Input Bias Currentis also Temperature Compensated Dual Op Ampsina Single Package also Goes