LM124A ,LOW POWER QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS SLOS066W–SEPTEMBER 1975–REVISED MARCH 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsFK PackageD, DB, J, N, ..
LM124AJ ,Low Power Quad Operational AmplifierGeneral Description Advantagesn Eliminates need for dual suppliesThe LM124/124A consists of four in ..
LM124AJ/883 ,Low Power Quad Operational AmplifiersFEATURES Power Supply Voltage+• Large Output Voltage Swing 0V to V− 1.5V2• Available with Radiation ..
LM124AJ/883 ,Low Power Quad Operational Amplifiers ..
LM124AW/883 ,Low Power Quad Operational AmplifierLM124A/LM124JAN Low Power Quad Operational AmplifiersJanuary 2005LM124A/LM124JANLow Power Quad Oper ..
LM124AWG/883 ,Low Power Quad Operational AmplifierLM124A/LM124QML Low Power Quad Operational AmplifiersJanuary 2005LM124A/LM124QMLLow Power Quad Oper ..
LM390N ,LM390 1W Battery Operated Audio Power AmplifierFeaturesTV sound systemsYBattery operation YLamp driversYY1W output powerLine driversYMinimum exter ..
LM3911N ,LM3911 Temperature ControllerLM3911TemperatureControllerJune1994LM3911TemperatureControllerGeneralDescriptionThe LM3911 is a hig ..
LM3914N ,Dot/Bar Display DriverGeneral Descriptionoutputs are individual, DC regulated currents. Various effectsThe LM3914 is a mo ..
LM3914N-1 ,Dot/Bar Display DriverLM3914 Dot/Bar Display DriverFebruary 2003LM3914Dot/Bar Display DriverMuch of the display flexibili ..
LM3914N-1/NOPB ,Dot/Bar Display Driver 18-PDIP 0 to 70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(1)Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsCOMPARATOROffset Voltage, Buffer ..
LM3914V ,Dot/Bar Display DriverGeneral Descriptionoutputsareindividual,DCregulatedcurrents.VariouseffectsThe LM3914 is a monolithi ..
Quadruple Operational Amplifier 14-CFP -55 to 125
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
LM224K, LM224KA, LM324, LM324A, LM324K, LM324KA, LM2902
LM124, LM124A, LM224, LM224A, LM2902V, LM2902K, LM2902KV, LM2902KAVSLOS066W –SEPTEMBER 1975–REVISED MARCH 2015
LMx24, LMx24x, LMx24xx, LM2902, LM2902x, LM2902xx, LM2902xxx Quadruple
Operational Amplifiers Features 2 Applications 2-kV ESD Protection for: • Blu-ray Players and Home Theaters Chemical and Gas Sensors– LM224K, LM224KA DVD Recorders and Players– LM324K, LM324KA Digital Multimeter: Bench and Systems– LM2902K, LM2902KV, LM2902KAV Digital Multimeter: Handhelds• Wide Supply Ranges Field Transmitter: Temperature Sensors– Single Supply:3Vto32V
(26Vfor LM2902) • Motor Control: AC Induction, Brushed DC,
Brushless DC, High-Voltage, Low-Voltage,– Dual Supplies: ±1.5Vto ±16V
Permanent Magnet, and Stepper Motor(±13V for LM2902) Oscilloscopes• Low Supply-Current Drain Independentof