LM12458CIV/NOPB ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-PLCC -40 to 85FEATURESDESCRIPTION23• Three operating modes: 12-bit + sign, 8-bit +The LM12458, and LM12H458 are h ..
LM12458CIVF ,12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibrationapplications information can be found in applica-n 8- or 16-bit wide databus dmicroprocessor or DSP ..
LM1246 ,150 MHz I2C Compatible RGB Preamplifier with Internal 512 Character OSD ROM, 512 Character RAM and 4 DACsApplicationsmodesn Internal 512 character OSD ROM usable as either (a) n Low end 15" and 17" bus co ..
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LM1247 ,150 MHz I2C Compatible RGB Preamplifier with Internal 512 Character OSD ROM, 512 Character RAM and 4 DACs [Life-time buy]Electrical CharacteristicsUnless otherwise noted: T = 25˚C, V = +5.0V, V = 0.70 V ,V =V ,C = 8 pF, ..
LM1247AAG/NA ,150 MHz I2C Compatible RGB Preamplifier with Internal 512 Character OSD ROM, 512 Character RAM and 4 DACs [Life-time buy]General Descriptionn OSD override allows OSD messages to override videoThe LM1247 pre-amp is an int ..
LM3880MF-1AE , Power Sequencer
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LM3886 ,High-Performance 68W Audio Power Amplifier with MuteFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM3886 is a high-performance audio power23• 68W Cont. Avg. Output Power int ..
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12-Bit Plus Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration 44-PLCC -40 to 85
LM12454, LM12458, LM12H458
www.ti.com SNAS079A –MAY 2004–REVISED FEBRUARY 2006
LM12454/LM12458/LM12H458 12-Bit+ Sign Data Acquisition System with Self-Calibration
Checkfor Samples: LM12454, LM12458, LM12H458
23• Three operating modes: 12-bit+ sign, 8-bit+ The LM12458, and LM12H458 are highly integrated
sign, and “watchdog” Data Acquisition Systems. Operatingon just 5V, they
• Single-endedor differential inputs combinea fully-differential self-calibrating (correcting
Built-in Sample-and-Hold and 2.5V bandgap linearity and zero errors) 13-bit (12-bit+ sign) analog-
reference to-digital converter (ADC) and sample-and-hold (S/H)
with extensive analog functions and digital
• Instruction RAM and event sequencer functionality. Upto32 consecutive conversions, using
• 8-channel multiplexer two's complement format, canbe storedinan internal
32-word conversion FIFO 32-word (16-bit wide) FIFO data buffer. An internal8-
word RAM can store the conversion sequence for up
• Programmable acquisition times and to eight acquisitions through the LM12(H)458's eight-
conversion rates input multiplexer. The obsolete LM12454 hasa four-
• Self-calibration and diagnostic mode channel multiplexer,a differential multiplexer output,
8-or 16-bit wide data bus microprocessoror anda differential S/H input. The LM12(H)458 can
DSP interface also operate with 8-bit+ sign resolution andina
supervisory “watchdog” mode that comparesan input
signal against two programmable limits.
APPLICATIONSProgrammable acquisition times and conversion rates
• Data Logging are possible through the useof internal clock-driven
• Instrumentation timers. The reference voltage input canbe externally
• Process Control generated for absoluteor ratiometric operationor can derived using the internal 2.5V bandgap
• Energy Managementreference.
• Inertial GuidanceAll registers, RAM, and FIFO are directly addressable
KEY SPECIFICATIONS through the high speed microprocessor interfaceto
either an 8-bitor 16-bit data bus. The LM12(H)458
• Resolution: 12-bit+ signor 8-bit+ sign includesa direct memory access (DMA) interface for
• 13-bit conversion time: 8.8 μs, 5.5μs (H) (max) high-speed conversion data transfer.
9-bit conversion time: 4.2 μs, 2.6 μs (H) (max) Additional applications information can be foundin
rate: applications notes AN-906, AN-947 and AN-949.
(H)μs (max) Power dissipation: (H) (max)