LM1207 ,85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with BlankingFeaturesYInterface amplifiers for LCD or CCD systemsY @Three wideband video amplifiers 130 MHz (LM1 ..
LM1207 ,85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with BlankingElectrical Characteristics See AC Test Circuit(Figure 3),T 25§C; V V 12V. ManuallyA CC1 CC2adjust V ..
LM1207AN ,85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with BlankingFeaturesYVideo AGC amplifiersY @ bThree wideband video amplifiers 130 MHz 3dBYWideband amplifiers w ..
LM1207N ,130 MHz/85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with BlankingLM1205/LM1207130MHz/85MHzRGBVideoAmplifierSystemwithBlankingJanuary1996LM1205/LM1207130MHz/85MHzRGB ..
LM1208N ,130 MHz/85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with BlankingElectrical CharacteristicsSee DC Test Circuit (Figure 2), T = 25˚C; V =V = 12V. V = 4V; V = 0V; V = ..
LM120H/15 ,Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators
LM385Z ,Micropower voltage reference diodeApplications1.2V Reference 5.0V Reference0052501400525002 2LM185/LM285/LM385LM185/LM285/LM385Absolu ..
LM385Z ,Micropower voltage reference diodeBlock Diagram00525013Typical
LM385Z-1.2 ,Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limitvalues (not normal operating condi ..
LM385Z-1.2RA ,MicroPower Voltage Reference DiodesMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C, unless otherwise noted)ARating Symbol Value UnitReverse Current I 30 mAR ..
LM385Z2.5 ,MicroPower Voltage Reference DiodesFeaturesCareful design of the LM185-2.5 has made the device ex-± ±n 20 mV ( 0.8%) max. initial tole ..
LM385Z-2.5 ,MicroPower Voltage Reference DiodesLM285, LM385BMicropower VoltageReference DiodesThe LM285/LM385 series are micropower two−terminal b ..
85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with Blanking
January 1996
130 MHz/85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with
General Description
The LM1205/LM1207is avery high frequency video amplifi- system intendedforusein high resolution RGB monitor
applications.In additiontothe three matched video amplifi-
ers,the LM1205/LM1207 contains three gated single end- input black level clamp comparatorsfor brightness con-
trol, three matchedDC controlled attenuatorsfor contrast
control, and threeDC controlled sub-contrast attenuators
providing gaintrim capabilityfor white balance.AllDC con-
trol inputs offer high input impedance andan operation
range from0Vto4Vfor easy interfacetobus controlled
alignment systems. The LM1205/LM1207 also containsa
blanking circuit which clampsthe video output voltagedur-
ing blankingto within 0.1V above ground. This featurepro-
vides blanking capabilityatthe cathodesof theCRT.A spot
killeris provided forCRT phosphor protection during power-
Features Three wideband video amplifiers 130 MHz (LM1205)@
b3dB(4VPP output) Matched (g0.1dBor 1.2%) attenuatorsfor contrast
control Three externally gated single ended input comparators
for cutoffand brightness control0Vto 4V, high input impedanceDC contrast control
(l40dB range)0Vto4V, high input impedanceDC drive controlfor
each video amplifier (b6dBto0dB range) Spot killer, blanks output when VCCk 10.6V Capableof7 VPP output swing (slight reductionin
bandwidth) Output stage blanking Output stage directly drives most hybridor discrete
CRT drivers
Applications High resolution RGB CRT monitors Video AGC amplifiers Wideband amplifiers with gainandDC offset controls Interface amplifiersfor LCDor CCD systems
Block and Connection Diagram
Order Number LM1205NorLM1207N
SeeNS PackageNumberN28B
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M66/Printed inU.S.A.