LM1202N ,LM1202 230 MHz Video Amplifier SystemFeaturesYWideband video amplifiere e(f 230 MHz at V 4V )b3dB O PPY e et,t 1.5 ns at V 4Vr f O PPBlo ..
LM1203 ,RGB Video Amplifier Systemapplications. In addi- Inherently matched (g0.1 dB or 1.2%) attenuators fortiontothreematchedvideoa ..
LM1203 ,RGB Video Amplifier Systemapplications see theLM1201 Video Amplifier System datasheet.BlockandConnectionDiagramTL/H/9178–1FIG ..
LM1203AN ,RGB Video Amplifier SystemLM1203RGBVideoAmplifierSystemJanuary1996LM1203RGBVideoAmplifierSystemGeneralDescription
LM1203BN ,RGB Video Amplifier SystemFeaturesY @bThree wideband video amplifiers (70 MHz 3dB)The LM1203 is a wideband video amplifier sy ..
LM1203N ,RGB Video Amplifier SystemLM1203RGBVideoAmplifierSystemJanuary1996LM1203RGBVideoAmplifierSystemGeneralDescription
LM385M3X-2.5 ,Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeLM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeDecember 1999LM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM ..
LM385M3X-2.5/NOPB ,Micropower Voltage Reference Diode 3-SOT-23 0 to 70THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSover operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)LM185 150° ..
LM385MX ,Adjustable Micropower Voltage ReferenceFeaturescapacitive loading, making it easy to use in almost anyn Adjustable from 1.24V to 5.30Vrefe ..
LM385MX-1.2 ,Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeLM185-1.2/LM285-1.2/LM385-1.2 Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeMay 2003LM185-1.2/LM285-1.2/LM385-1 ..
LM385MX-1.2/NOPB ,Micropower Voltage Reference Diode 8-SOIC 0 to 70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSLM185-1.2-NLM185BX-1.2-N LM385B-1.2-NLM185BY-1.2-N LM385BX-1.2-NLM385-1.2 ..
LM385MX-2.5 ,Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeLM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM385-2.5 Micropower Voltage Reference DiodeDecember 1999LM185-2.5/LM285-2.5/LM ..
LM1202 230 MHz Video Amplifier System
December 1995
LM1202 230 MHz Video Amplifier System
General Description
The LM1202isa very high frequencyvideo amplifier system
intendedforusein high resolution monochromeor RGB
colormonitor applications.In additiontothe wideband video
amplifierthe LM1202 containsa gated differential input
black level clamp comparatorfor brightness control,aDC
controlled attenuatorfor contrast control andaDC con-
trolledsub contrast attenuatorfor drive control. TheDC
controlforthe contrast attenuatoris pinnedout separately providea more accurate control systemfor RGB color
monitor applications.AllDC controls offera high inputim-
pedanceand operate overa0Vto4V rangefor easy inter-
facetobus controlled alignment systems.The LM1202op-
erates froma nominal12V supplybutcanbe operatedwith
supply voltages downto8Vfor applicationsthat requirere-
ducedIC package power dissipation characteristics.
Features Wideband video amplifier
(fb3dBe 230 MHzatVOe 4VPP) tr,tfe1.5nsatVOe 4VPP Externally gated comparatorfor brightness control0Vto4V high input impedanceDC contrast control
(l40dB range)0Vto4V high input impedanceDC drive control
(g3dB range) Easyto parallel three LM1202sfor optimum color track-
ingin RGB systems Output stage clampsto 0.65V and providesupto9V
output voltage swing Output stage directly drives most hybridor discrete
CRT amplifier stages
High resolution CRT monitors
Video switches
Video AGC amplifier
Wideband amplifier with gainandDC offset control
Block and Connection Diagram
OrderNumber LM1202Nor LM1202M
SeeNS Package Number N20AorM20B
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M66/Printed inU.S.A.