LM111H/NOPB ,Voltage Comparator 8-TO-99 -55 to 125FEATURESLM211-N or the LM311-N can be isolated from2• Operates From Single 5V Supplysystem ground, ..
LM111J/8 ,Voltage ComparatorFEATURES SECTIONoProcessing Subgrp Description Temp ( C)MIL-STD-883, Method 5004 1 Static tests ..
LM111J/883 ,Voltage ComparatorMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 04/20/00MRLM111-X-RH REV 0E1Last Update Date: 06/11/ ..
LM111J8 ,Voltage ComparatorMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 01/10/01MDLM111-X REV 0B0Last Update Date: 04/20/01L ..
LM111J8 ,Voltage ComparatorGeneral DescriptionThe LM111, is a voltage comparator that has input currents nearly a thousand tim ..
LM111J-8 ,Voltage Comparatorapplications are for H08 metal can package.Positive Peak Detector Zero Crossing Detector Driving MO ..
LM385B ,MicroPower Voltage Reference DiodesMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limitvalues (not normal operating condi ..
LM385B-1.2 ,Micropower Voltage Reference SLVS075J–APRIL 1989–REVISED JANUARY 20156 Pin Configuration and FunctionsPin FunctionsPINTYPE DESC ..
LM385B12 ,Micropower Voltage ReferenceTable of Contents8.3 Feature Description...... 71
LM385B-2.5 ,Micropower Voltage Reference SLVS023L–JANUARY 1989–REVISED FEBRUARY 20185 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD or PW PackageLP Pack ..
LM385BD-1.2 ,1.2Features... 18.4 Device Functional Modes...... 72 Applications..... 19 Application and Implementati ..
Voltage Comparator
LM111-N, LM211-N, LM311-N
www.ti.com SNOSBJ1E –MAY 1999–REVISED MARCH 2013
LM111-N/LM211-N/LM311-N Voltage Comparator
Checkfor Samples: LM111-N, LM211-N, LM311-NBoth the inputs and the outputsof the LM111-N,
1FEATURESLM211-N or the LM311-N can be isolated from
Operates From Single 5V Supply system ground, and the output can drive loads
Input Current: 150 nA Max. Over Temperature referredto ground, the positive supplyor the negative
supply. Offset balancing and strobe capability are
• Offset Current:20 nA Max. Over Temperature provided and outputs can be wire OR'ed. Although
• Differential Input Voltage Range: ±30V slower than the LM106 and LM710 (200ns response
• Power Consumption: 135 mWat ±15V timevs 40 ns) the devices are also much less prone spurious oscillations. The LM111-N has the same
DESCRIPTION pin configurationas the LM106 and LM710.
The LM111-N, LM211-N and LM311-N are voltage The LM211-Nis identicalto the LM111-N, except thatcomparators that have input currents nearly a its performanceis specified overa −25°Cto +85°Cthousand times lower than devices like the LM106or temperature range insteadof −55°Cto +125°C. TheLM710. They are also designedto operate overa LM311-N hasa temperature rangeof 0°Cto +70°C.wider rangeof supply voltages: from standard ±15V amp supplies downto the single 5V supply used
forIC logic. Their outputis compatible with RTL, DTL
and TTL as well as MOS circuits. Further, they can
drive lampsor relays, switching voltagesupto 50Vat
currentsas highas50 mA.
Typical Applications
NOTEPin connections shownin Schematic Diagram and Typical Applications are for the LMC
TO-99 package.is turnedoff when currentis
pulled from Strobe Pin.