LM110J-8/883 ,Voltage FollowerLM110/LM210/LM310VoltageFollowerNovember1994LM110/LM210/LM310VoltageFollowerGeneralDescriptionThe L ..
LM1112BN ,24 V, 15 mA, dolby B-type noise reduction processorFeatures
The LM1112 is a monolithic integrated circuit specifically I Very high signal/noise ratio ..
LM1112CN ,24 V, 15 mA, dolby B-type noise reduction processorLM1112A/LM111ZB/LM1112C
Dolby@ B-Type Noise ..
LM1117 ,800mA Low-Dropout Linear RegulatorLM1117/LM1117I 800mA Low-Dropout Linear RegulatorDecember 2001LM1117/LM1117I800mA Low-Dropout Linea ..
LM1117-1.8 , 1A Low Dropout Positive Voltage Regulator
LM3671MF-2.5 , LM3671, LM3671Q 2MHz, 600mA Step-Down DC-DC Converter
LM3671MF-2.8 ,2MHz, 600mA Step-Down DC-DC Converter 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85Maximum Ratings(1)(2)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT ..
LM3671MF-ADJ ,2MHz / 600mA Step-Down DC-DC Converter in SOT23-5General Descriptionn Automatic PFM/PWM mode switchingThe LM3671 step-down DC-DC converter is optimi ..
LM3671MF-ADJ/NOPB ,2MHz, 600mA Step-Down DC-DC Converter 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics....... 611.4 Community Resources...... 236.8 Typical Characteristics. 71 ..
LM3671MFX-1.2 ,2MHz , 600mA Step-Down DC-DC Converter in SOT23-5Featuresn 16 µA typical quiescent currentn 600 mA maximum load capabilityTypical Application Circui ..
LM3671MFX-1.2/NOPB ,2MHz, 600mA Step-Down DC-DC Converter 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85Maximum Ratings.. 410.2 Layout Example....... 226.2 ESD Ratings: LM3671. 410.3 DSBGA Package Assemb ..
Voltage Follower
November 1994
LM110/LM210/LM310 Voltage Follower
General Description
The LM110 seriesare monolithic operational amplifiersin-
ternally connectedas unity-gain non-inverting amplifiers.
Theyuse super-gain transistorsinthe input stagetogetlow
bias current without sacrificing speed. Directly interchange-
able with 101,741and709in voltage follower applications,
these devices have internal frequency compensation and
provisionfor offset balancing.
The LM110 seriesare usefulinfast sampleand holdcir-
cuits, active filters,oras general-purpose buffers. Further,
the frequency responseis sufficiently better than standard amplifiersthatthe followerscanbe includedinthe feed-
back loop without introducing instability. Theyare plug-in
replacementsforthe LM102 series voltage followers, offer-
ing lower offset voltage, drift, bias currentand noisein addi-
tionto higher speedand wider operating voltage range.
The LM110is specified overa temperature range b55§Css a125§C,the LM210 from b25§CsTAs a85§Cand
the LM310 from0§CsTAs a70§C.
Features Input current 10nA max over temperature Small signal bandwidth 20 MHz Slew rate 30 V/ms Supply voltage range g5Vto g18V
Schematic Diagram
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.