LM10CN ,Operational Amplifier and Voltage ReferenceFeaturescompletely specified for operation from a single power cell.n input offset voltage: 2.0 mV ..
LM10CN8 ,Low Power Op Amp and Reference
LM10CN8 ,Low Power Op Amp and Reference
LM1100B , Full Size HCMOS/TTL Compatible Oscillators
LM110H ,Voltage Followerapplications,s sathe LM310 from 0 C T 70 C.§ §Athese devices have internal frequency compensation a ..
LM110H/883 ,Voltage Followerapplications,s sathe LM310 from 0 C T 70 C.§ §Athese devices have internal frequency compensation a ..
LM3670MFX-1.875 ,Miniature Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low Voltage Circuitsfeatures and performance forn Available in fixed output voltages as well as anmobile phones and sim ..
LM3670MFX-2.5 ,Miniature Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low Voltage Circuitsfeatures and performance forn Available in fixed output voltages as well as anmobile phones and sim ..
LM3670MFX-3.3 ,Miniature Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low Voltage Circuitsapplications with com-adjustable versionplex power management systems. Automatic intelligentn SOT23 ..
LM3670MFX-ADJ ,Miniature Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low Voltage CircuitsLM3670 Miniature Step-Down DC-DC Converter for Ultra Low Voltage CircuitsDecember 2004LM3670Miniatu ..
LM3671MF-1.2 ,2MHz , 600mA Step-Down DC-DC Converter in SOT23-5Applicationsextends the battery life through reduction of the quiescentn Mobile phonescurrent to 16 ..
LM3671MF-1.2/NOPB ,2MHz, 600mA Step-Down DC-DC Converter 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85features and performance• 600-mA Maximum Load Capabilityfor mobile phones and similar portable syst ..
Operational Amplifier and Voltage Reference
Operational Amplifier and Voltage Reference
General DescriptionThe LM10 series are monolithic linear ICs consistingofa
precision reference,an adjustable reference buffer andan
independent, high qualityop amp.
The unit can operate froma total supply voltageas lowas
1.1Voras highas 40V, drawing only 270µA.A complemen-
tary output stage swings within15 mVof the supply termi-
nalsorwill deliver ±20 mA output current with ±0.4V satu-
ration. Reference output canbeas lowas 200 mV.
The circuitis recommendedfor portable equipment andis
completely specifiedfor operation froma single power cell. contrast, high output-drive capability, both voltage and
current, along with thermal overload protection, suggestitin
demanding general-purpose applications.
The deviceis capableof operatingina floating mode, inde-
pendentof fixed supplies.It can functionasa remote com-
parator, signal conditioner, SCR controlleror transmitterfor
analog signals, deliveringthe processed signalonthe same
line usedto supply power.Itis also suitedfor operationina
wide rangeof voltage- and current-regulator applications,
fromlow voltagesto several hundred volts, providing greater
precision than existing ICs.
This seriesis availablein the three standard temperature
ranges, with the commercial part having relaxed limits.In
addition,a low-voltage specification (suffix “L”)is availablein
the limited temperature rangesata cost savings.
Features input offset voltage: 2.0 mV (max) input offset current: 0.7nA (max) input bias current: 20nA (max) reference regulation: 0.1% (max) offset voltage drift: 2µV/˚C reference drift: 0.002%/˚C
Connection and Functional Diagrams
Metal Can Package (H)Order Number LM10BH, LM10CH,
LM10CLHor LM10H/883
available per SMA# 5962-8760401
SeeNS Package Number H08A
Small Outline Package (WM)
Order Number LM10CWMor LM10CWMX
See NS Package Number M14B
Dual-In-Line Package(N)
Order Number LM10CNor LM10CLN
See NS Package Number N08E
August 2000