LM108J-8/883 ,Operational AmplifierLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM108J-883 ,Operational AmplifierLM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersDecember1994LM108/LM208/LM308OperationalAmplifiersGeneralDesc ..
LM109H ,5-Volt RegulatorFeaturesaddition, thermal shutdown is provided to keep the IC fromn Specified to be compatible, wor ..
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LM109H/883 ,5-Volt RegulatorGeneral Descriptioning is needed, however, if the regulator is located very farThe LM109 series are ..
LM109K ,5-Volt Regulator 2-TO-3 -55 to 150General Descriptioning is needed, however, if the regulator is located very farThe LM109 series are ..
LM3658SD ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable ApplicationsLM3658 Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable
LM3658SD NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSUnless otherwise noted, V (V and/or V ) = 5V, V = 3.5V. C = 1 µF, C = 1 µ ..
LM3658SD/NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85Connection Diagram and Package Mark Information1 10 10 19 22 9Die-Attach Die-Attach Pad (DAP)3 8 8 ..
LM3658SD/NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics tables.(3) If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, please ..
LM3658SD-A/NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe LM3658 is a single chip charger IC designed for2• Integrated Power FETs wit ..
LM3658SD-B/NOPB ,Dual Source USB/AC Li Chemistry Charger IC for Portable Applications 10-WSON -40 to 85Electrical Characteristics tables.(2) All voltages are with respect to the potential at the GND pin ..
Operational Amplifier
December 1994
LM108/LM208/LM308 Operational Amplifiers
General Description
The LM108 seriesare precision operational amplifiers hav-
ing specificationsa factoroften better than FET amplifiers
overa b55§Cto a125§C temperature range.
The devices operate with supply voltages from g2Vto
g20Vand have sufficient supply rejectiontouse unregulat- supplies. Althoughthe circuitis interchangeablewithand
usesthe same compensationasthe LM101A,an alternate
compensation scheme canbe usedto makeit particularly
insensitiveto power supply noise andto make supplyby-
pass capacitors unnecessary.
Thelow current errorofthe LM108 series makes possible
many designsthatare notpracticalwith conventional ampli-
fiers.In fact,it operates from10 MX source resistances,
introducing less error than deviceslikethe709 with10kX
sources. Integrators with drifts less than 500 mV/sec and
analog time delaysin excessofone hourcanbe madeus-
ing capacitorsno larger than1mF.
The LM108is guaranteed from b55§Cto a125§C,the
LM208 from b25§Cto a85§C,andthe LM308 from 0§Cto
Features Maximum input bias currentof3.0nA over temperature Offset current less than400pA over temperature Supply currentof only300mA, evenin saturation Guaranteed drift characteristics
Compensation Circuits
Standard Compensation Circuit
Cft R1CO aR2e 30pF
**Bandwidthandslewrateare proportionalto1/Cf
Alternate* FrequencyCompensation
*Improves rejectionof power supply noisebya factor often.
**Bandwidthandslewrateare proportionalto1/Cs
Feedforward Compensation
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.