LM1086IT-1.8 ,1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsLM1086 1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsNovember 2002LM10861.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
LM1086IT-1.8 ,1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsLM1086 1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsNovember 2002LM10861.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
LM1086IT-3.3 ,1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsLM1086 1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsNovember 2002LM10861.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
LM1086IT-5.0 ,1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsLM1086 1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsNovember 2002LM10861.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
LM1086IT-5.0 ,1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsFeaturesn Available in 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V, 3.45V, 5V andThe LM1086 is a series of low dropout ..
LM1086IT-5.0 ,1.5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsFeaturesn Available in 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V, 3.45V, 5V andThe LM1086 is a series of low dropout ..
LM3620M5-4 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerGeneral Descriptionaccuracy,theLM3620providesasimple,precisesolutionforThe LM3620 series of control ..
LM3620M5X-4 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerFeaturesappropriate termination voltage for either coke or graphiteanode lithium cells. n Voltage o ..
LM3620M5X-4 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerGeneral Descriptionaccuracy,theLM3620providesasimple,precisesolutionforThe LM3620 series of control ..
LM3620M5X-4 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerFeaturesappropriate termination voltage for either coke or graphiteanode lithium cells. n Voltage o ..
LM3620M5X-8 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerLM3620 Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerJuly 2000LM3620Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerW ..
LM3620M5X-8 ,Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerLM3620 Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerJuly 2000LM3620Lithium-Ion Battery Charger ControllerW ..
1.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
1.5A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM1086isa seriesof low dropout positive voltage
regulators witha maximum dropoutof 1.5Vat 1.5Aof load
current.It hasthe same pin-outas National Semiconductor’s
industry standard LM317.
The LM1086is availableinan adjustable version, which can
set the output voltage with only two external resistors.Itis
also availableinsix fixed voltages: 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V,
3.45V and 5.0V. The fixed versions integrate the adjust
The LM1086 circuit includesa zener trimmed bandgap ref-
erence, current limiting and thermal shutdown.
The LM1086 seriesis availablein TO-220, TO-263, and LLP
packages. Referto the LM1084forthe5A version, and the
LM1085forthe3A version.
Features Availablein 1.8V, 2.5V, 2.85V, 3.3V, 3.45V,5V and
Adjustable Versions Current Limiting and Thermal Protection Output Current 1.5A Line Regulation 0.015% (typical) Load Regulation 0.1% (typical)
Applications SCSI-2 Active Terminator High Efficiency Linear Regulators Battery Charger Post Regulationfor Switching Supplies Constant Current Regulator Microprocessor Supply
Connection Diagrams
TO-220 TO-263 LLPTop View
Top View
Pins6,7,and8 mustbetied together.
Top View
Basic Functional Diagram, Adjustable VersionApplication Circuit
1.2Vto 15V Adjustable Regulator
November 2002