LM106 ,Voltage ComparatorFeaturesly. Furthermore, their outputs can switch voltages up to 24VYImproved accuracyat currents a ..
LM107H ,Operational Amplifiers
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LM107J8 ,Operational Amplifiers
LM1084IS-12 ,5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsLM1084 5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsAugust 2002LM10845A Low Dropout Positive Regulators
LM1084IS3.3 ,5A Low Dropout Positive RegulatorsFeaturesn Available in 3.3V, 5.0V, 12V and Adjustable VersionsThe LM1084 is a series of low dropout ..
LM358MX ,Dual Operational AmplifierLM2904,LM358/LM358A,LM258/LM258ADual Operational Amplifier
LM358MX NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70Features... 17.4 Device Functional Modes.... 132 Applications..... 18 Application and Implementatio ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70 SNOSBT3I–JANUARY 2000–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, P, and NAB Package8 ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70Maximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 246.2 ESD Ratings ...... 410.2 Layout Example....... ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70 SNOSBT3I–JANUARY 2000–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, P, and NAB Package8 ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70Sample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareLM158-N,LM258-N,LM29 ..
Voltage Comparator
December 1994
LM106/LM306 Voltage Comparator
General Description
The LM106 seriesare high-speed voltage comparatorsde-
signedto accurately detect low-level analog signals and
drivea digital load. Theyare equivalenttoan LM710, com-
bined withatwo inputNAND gateandan output buffer.The
circuitscan drive RTL, DTLorTTL integrated circuits direct-
ly. Furthermore, their outputscan switch voltagesupto24V currentsas highas10mA.
The devices have short-circuit protection which limitsthe
inrush current whenitis usedto drive incandescent lamps, additionto preventing damage from accidental shortsto
the positive supply. The speedis equivalentto thatofan
LM710. However, theyare even faster where buffersand
additional logic circuitrycanbe eliminatedbythe increased
flexibilityofthe LM106 series. Theycan alsobe operated
fromany negative supply voltage between b3Vand b12V
with little effecton performance.
The LM106is specifiedfor operation overthe b55§Cto
a125§C military temperature range.The LM306is specified
for operation over 0§Cto a70§C temperature range.
Features Improved accuracy Fan-outof10 with DTLor TTL Added logicor strobe capability Usefulasa relayor lamp driver Plug-in replacementforthe LM71040ns maximum response time
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Note: Pin4connectedto case.
Order Number LM106H,
LM106H/883²or LM306H
SeeNS Package Number H08A
²Availableper SMDÝ 8003701
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.