LM305H ,Voltage RegulatorsLM105/LM305/LM305A Voltage RegulatorsJune 1999LM105/LM305/LM305AVoltage Regulators• DC line regulat ..
LM306 ,Voltage Comparatorblock diagramThe LM306 is a high-speed voltage comparatorwith differential inputs, a low-impedance ..
LM306D ,Single, Strobed, High Speed Differential Comparator with Push-Pull Outputsmaximum ratings over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)Supply voltage, V ..
LM306H ,Voltage ComparatorGeneral Description+125˚C military temperature range. The LM306 is specifiedThe LM106 series are hi ..
LM306P ,Single, Strobed, High Speed Differential Comparator with Push-Pull Outputsmaximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfuncti ..
LM307H ,Operational Amplifiers
LM9811CCV ,10-Bit Greyscale/30-Bit Color Linear CCD Sensor ProcessorFeaturesn 1.5 Million pixels/s conversion rateThe LM9811 is a high performance integrated signalpro ..
LM9820CCWM ,LM9810/20 10/12-Bit Image Sensor Processor Analog Front EndLM9810/20 10/12-Bit Image Sensor Processor Analog Front EndJuly 1998NLM9810/20 10/12-Bit Image Sens ..
LM9820CCWMX ,LM9810/20 10/12-Bit Image Sensor Processor Analog Front EndBlock DiagramMCLKSampCLKOSADC ClockR10/12 bit6MM 0 to 2V6MHzU D5-D0Samplerx3 UOS PGAGXADCVSIG XOSBD ..
LM9820CCWMX ,LM9810/20 10/12-Bit Image Sensor Processor Analog Front EndGeneral DescriptionThe LM9810 and LM9820 are high performance Analog Front
LM9822CCWM ,3 Channel 42-Bit Color Scanner Analog Front End
LM9823CCWM ,3 Channel 48-Bit Color Scanner Analog Front End
Voltage Regulators
Voltage Regulators
General DescriptionThe LM105 seriesare positive voltage regulators similarto
the LM100, exceptthatan extra gain stagehas been added
forimproved regulation.A redesignofthe biasing circuitryre-
movesany minimum load current requirement andatthe
same time reduces standby current drain, permitting higher
voltage operation. Theyare direct, plug-in replacementsfor
the LM100 inboth linearand switching regulator circuitswith
output voltages greater than 4.5V. Important characteristicsthe circuits are: Output voltage adjustable from 4.5Vto 40V Output currentsin excessof 10A possibleby addingex-
ternal transistors Load regulation better than 0.1%,full load with current
limiting DCline regulation guaranteedat 0.03%/V Ripple rejectionon 0.01%V 45mA output current without external pass transistor
Likethe LM100, they also featurefast responseto both load
andline transients, freedom from oscillationswith varyingre-
sistive and reactive loadsandthe abilityto start reliablyon
any load withinrating.The circuitsare builton asinglesilicon
chipandare suppliedina TO-99 metal can.
The LM105is specifiedfor operationfor −55˚C≤TA≤
+125˚C,andthe LM305/LM305Ais specifiedfor0˚C≤TA≤
Schematic and Connection DiagramsDS007755-1
Metal Can PackageDS007755-3
Top View
Order Number LM105H, LM105H/883,
SMD #5962-8958801, LM305Hor LM305AH
SeeNS Package Number H08CJune 1999
Regulators©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS007755