LM104H ,Negative RegulatorLM104/LM204/LM304NegativeRegulatorMarch1989LM104/LM204/LM304NegativeRegulatorGeneralDescriptionThe ..
LM104H ,Negative RegulatorLM104/LM204/LM304NegativeRegulatorMarch1989LM104/LM204/LM304NegativeRegulatorGeneralDescriptionThe ..
LM10506TMX , Triple Buck LDO Power Management Unit
LM105H ,Voltage RegulatorsGeneral Description• Ripple rejection on 0.01%VThe LM105 series are positive voltage regulators sim ..
LM105H/883 ,Voltage RegulatorsElectrical Characteristics (Note 2)Parameter Conditions LM105 LM305 LM305A UnitsMin Typ Max Min Typ ..
LM105H/883 ,Voltage RegulatorsGeneral Description• Ripple rejection on 0.01%VThe LM105 series are positive voltage regulators sim ..
LM358M ,Dual Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Recommended Operating ..
LM358MX ,Dual Operational AmplifierLM2904,LM358/LM358A,LM258/LM258ADual Operational Amplifier
LM358MX NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70Features... 17.4 Device Functional Modes.... 132 Applications..... 18 Application and Implementatio ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70 SNOSBT3I–JANUARY 2000–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, P, and NAB Package8 ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70Maximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 246.2 ESD Ratings ...... 410.2 Layout Example....... ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70 SNOSBT3I–JANUARY 2000–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, P, and NAB Package8 ..
Negative Regulator
March 1989
LM104/LM204/LM304 Negative Regulator
General Description
The LM104 seriesare precision voltage regulators which
canbe programmedbya single external resistorto supply
any voltage from 40V downto zero while operating froma
single unregulated supply. Theycan also provide 0.01-per-
cent regulationin circuits usinga separate, floating bias
supply, wherethe output voltageis limited onlybythe
breakdownof external pass transistors. Although designed
primarilyas linear, series regulators,the circuitscan beused switching regulators, current regulatorsorina numberof
other control applications. Typical performance characteris-
ticsare: Subsurface zener reference1mV regulationno loadtofull load 0.01%/Vline regulation0.2 mV/V ripple rejection 0.3% temperature stability over military temperature
The LM104 seriesisthe complementofthe LM105 positive
regulator, intendedfor systems requiring regulated negative
voltageswhich havea commongroundwiththe unregulated
supply.By themselves, theycan deliver output currentsto mA,but external transistorscanbe addedtoget any
desired current. The output voltageissetby external resis-
tors, andeither constantor foldback current limitingis made
The LM104is specifiedfor operation overthe b55§Cto
a125§C military temperature range.The LM204is specified
for operation overthe b25§Cto a85§C temperature range.
The LM304is specifiedfor operation from 0§Cto a70§C.
Schematic Diagram
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.