LM1036N ,Dual DC Operated Tone/Volume/Balance CircuitFeaturesn Wide supply voltage range, 9V to 16VThe LM1036 is a DC controlled tone (bass/treble), vol ..
LM1040N ,16 V, 1.5 W, dual DC operated tone/volume/balance circuit with stereo enhancement facilityFeatures
I Wide supply voltage range, 9V to 16V
I Large volume control range, 75 dB typical
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LM358M ,Dual Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Recommended Operating ..
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LM358MX NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70Features... 17.4 Device Functional Modes.... 132 Applications..... 18 Application and Implementatio ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70 SNOSBT3I–JANUARY 2000–REVISED DECEMBER 20145 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, P, and NAB Package8 ..
LM358MX/NOPB ,Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70Maximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 246.2 ESD Ratings ...... 410.2 Layout Example....... ..
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Dual DC Operated Tone/Volume/Balance Circuit
Dual DC Operated Tone/Volume/Balance Circuit
General DescriptionThe LM1036isa DC controlled tone (bass/treble), volume
and balance circuitfor stereo applicationsin car radio,TV
and audio systems.An additional control input allows loud-
ness compensationtobe simply effected.
Four control inputs provide controlof the bass, treble, bal-
ance and volume functions through applicationof DC volt-
ages froma remote control systemor, alternatively, from four
potentiometers which maybe biased froma zener regulated
supply providedon the circuit.
Each tone responseis definedbya single capacitor chosen givethe desired characteristic.
Features Wide supply voltage range,9Vto 16V Large volume control range,75dB typical Tone control, ±15dB typical Channel separation,75dB typical Low distortion, 0.06% typicalforan input levelof 0.3
Vrms High signalto noise,80dB typicalforan input levelof
0.3 Vrms Few external components required
Block and Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line PackageOrder Number LM1036N
See NS Package Number N20A
January 1995