LH4124CN ,600 mW, +/-18 V, high slew rate operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics (Notes1, 2)
Parameter Condltlons Mln Typ Max Units
lnputOffsetVoltage ..
LH4141CN ,+/-18 V, 0.2 A power operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics (Notes 4 a 5)
Parameter Conditions Units
Input Offset Voltage Rs S 100 ..
LH4162CJ ,4.75 v to 32 V, 5 mA, 50 MHz, dual high speed operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics (Note 3)
LH4162A LH4162 LH4162c
Tested Design Tested Design Tested Des ..
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LM2941CSX/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 0 to 125features the1• Operating V Range: 6 V to 26 VINability to source 1 A of output current with a typic ..
LM2941CT ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorfeaturessuchasshortcircuitThe LM2941 positive voltage regulator
LM2941CT. ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorGeneral Descriptionandtheload.Familiarregulator
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600 mW, +/-18 V, high slew rate operational amplifier
_ Semiconductor
LH4124C High Slew Rate Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LH4124C is a very wide bandwidth, high slew rate oper»
I: Very high slew rate 500 Nlps at Av = +1
ational amplifier intended to fumll a wide variety of high a Wide small signal bandwidth 70 MHz
speed applications such as buffers for AID and D/A con- a Wide large signal bandwidth 15 MHz
verters and high speed comparators. The device exhibits :1 High output swing-- fc12V into 1k
useful gain in excess of 50 MHz making it possible to use in n Offset null with single pot
video applications requiring higher gain accuracy than is n L ow in ut offset 2 mV
usually associated with such amplifiers. p
The LH4124C's combination of wide bandwidth and high " .
slew rate make it an ideal choice tor a variety of high speed 1reltgt,.'inelte,'u,,
applications including active filters, oscillators, and compar- 'ff l. pu er
ators as well as many high speed general purpose applica- " Video amplifier _
tions. " High frequency oscillator
The LH4124C is guaranteed over the temperature range a Active filter
-25''C to + 85''C.
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
' Hy. v._2 Liv-
R1 i,, COMP/NULL-é- mm:
1 OUTPUT coup/ttocc-z' '--tlC
4 .-49 coup mu) 5 o Em:
COMP/NULL . IN(-) a - 14m:
. rc-'. LU:
16 uc-i 9-tit:
INPUTS --0thm'1lf
- Top View
Order Number LH41240N
See NS Package Number N16A
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If MllltaryIAerospace ttpettmrd devices are required,
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales
OtflcefDltttrlttutortt for avallablllty and specifications.
600 mW
-25''C to + 85''C
-65''C to +150°C
Power Dissipation
Operating Temperature Range
Storage Temperature Range
Supply Voltage 118V Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 300°C
Input Voltage Equal to Supply ESD TBD
Differential InputVoltage 15V
DC Electrical Characteristics (Notes1,2)
Parameter Conditions Mln Typ Max Units
Input Offset Voltage Rs == 50.0, TA == 25°C 5.0 8.0 mV
Rs = 500 10.0 mV
Average Temperature Vs = i 15V, Rs = 500
Coefficient of Input -25t to +85°C 25 pV/°C
InputOffsetCurrent TA = 25°C 4.0 15.0 pA
20.0 p.A
Input Bias Current TA == 25°C 18 40 p.A
Supply Current No Load 12.5 15 mA
Large Signal Voltage Vs = t15V, RL = lk, TA = 25°C a 4 V/mV
Gain Vs = i15V,RL = 1k 2.5 V/mV
Input Voltage Range Vs = i 15V , 12 i 13 V
Output Voltage Vs = i15V, RL = 1k, TA = 25"C i 10 -+13 V
Swing vs = i15V, RL = 1k K10 v
Slew Rate Vs = i15V, RL =-- 1k,
c, = C2 = 30 pF 250 400 V/es
Av = +1,TA == 25°C (Note 3)
Common Mode Vs = 1151/, AVIN = K101/ 60 dB
Rejection Ratio Rs = 50.0
Power Supply i5V s Vs s celtN 60 dB
Rejection Ratio Rs = 500.
Note 1: These spayticatirrns apply for Vs = i15V.
Nola 2: LH4124C is 100% production tested at 25°C only. Specifications at temperature enrernes are gtarirmd by sample testing These limits are not used to
Calculate outgoing quality level.
Note 3: Not 100% production tesied. verified by sample iesting only. Limits are not used to calculate outgoing quality level.
Frequency Compensation
J,t',''gl,, c, Ce Ca
100 0 o
20 0 0
10 0 20 pF 1 pF
1 30 pF 30 pF 3 pF
Frequency Compensation Circuit
Typical Performance Characteristics
Large Signal Frequency
Package Power Dissipation
Open Loop Frequency
"i ttr-- 1k
Ci" M 2, a tit) T -
= -4-. g 3
g IS i F..
a "s, g E 40
g M E g
u, a --80oc/W ' g
t h ts Ts =:15 20
tu M _ C1 = C2 = 30 pF
8 R =1k
Av=¢1 0
ll 25 50 75 100 125 150 10k 10th ltd Ithd 1001 10k 100k ltl 1m 1031‘
mmmmm) ntEtyJENct0iz) razouzucvmz)
Voltage Follower Pulse Input Voltage " Supply Output Voltage Swing
Response Voltage vs Supply Voltage
Vs=215 C1=CZ=30pF =1k 20
TA=25°C Rr-- lk A rs=2se
hv=$1 '
E if "ii'
' n: E
5' g ,
> _ 1-
's 'a g
F, g ID
O 's Ct
0 too 200 300 400 500 O 5 10 15 20 0 S 10 15 20
TlHE(ns) SUPPLY vomez " v) SUPPLY vomc: (t v)
Supply Current vs Supply Input Bias Current
Voltage vs Supply Voltage
t3 T =-25°C
E t2 rs--'2se a
g 11 8
E‘ 10 Ta='lrse L'
4 ti 8i012Ui6i8
SUPPLY vomom v)
Applications Information
1.0 Layout Considerations
The LH4124C, like most high speed circuitry, is sensitive1o
layout and stray capacitance. Power supplies should be by-
passed as close to the device as possible with at least
0.01 pF ceramic capacitor. Compensating capacitors
should also be placed as close to the device as possible.
4 6 81012141618
SUPPLY vomcuzvj
2.0 Compensation
Compensation schemes recommended in Table I work well
under typical conditions. However, poor layout and long
lead lengths can degrade the performance of the LH4124C
or cause the device to oscillate. Slight adjustments in the
values for C1, C2 and G3 may be necessary tor a given
layout. In particular, when operating at a gain of - 1 , C3 may
require adjustment in order to perfectly cancel the input ca-
pacitance of the device.
When operating the LH4124C at a gain ot + 1, the value of
H1 should be at least 1 kn.
3.0 Heat Sinking
The LH4124C is specified for operation without the use of
an explicit heat sink. However, internal power dissipation
does cause a significant temperature rise. Improved offset
voltage drift can be obtained by limiting the temperature rise
with a clip-on heat sink.
Typical Applications
TTL Compatible Comparator
l 2N2369
Video Amplifier
Offset Null
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