LH4012CK ,+/-40 V, +/-200 mA, wideband bufferElectrical Characteristics
Vs = i15V, Rs = RL = 500, TA = 1 :15°C, unless otherwise specified (Not ..
LH4033CN ,+/-40 V, +/-100 mA, 1.5 W, fast and ultra fast buffer amplifierElectrical Characteristics TA = 25°C, vs = i15V, Rs = 50n, EL = 1.0 kn (Note 6)
Parameter ..
LH4124CN ,600 mW, +/-18 V, high slew rate operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics (Notes1, 2)
Parameter Condltlons Mln Typ Max Units
lnputOffsetVoltage ..
LH4141CN ,+/-18 V, 0.2 A power operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics (Notes 4 a 5)
Parameter Conditions Units
Input Offset Voltage Rs S 100 ..
LH4162CJ ,4.75 v to 32 V, 5 mA, 50 MHz, dual high speed operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics (Note 3)
LH4162A LH4162 LH4162c
Tested Design Tested Design Tested Des ..
LH5116HD-10 , CMOS 16K (2K x 8) Static RAM
LM2941CS ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorLM2941/LM2941C 1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorAugust 2002LM2941/LM2941C1A Low Dropout Adjustabl ..
LM2941CSX ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorElectrical Characteristics—LM2941CT, LM2941CS5V ≤ V ≤ 20V, V =V + 5V, C = 22µF, unless otherwise sp ..
LM2941CSX/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 0 to 125features the1• Operating V Range: 6 V to 26 VINability to source 1 A of output current with a typic ..
LM2941CT ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorfeaturessuchasshortcircuitThe LM2941 positive voltage regulator
LM2941CT. ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorGeneral Descriptionandtheload.Familiarregulator
LM2941LD ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorFeatures- Output voltage adjustable from 5V to 20V - Dropout voltage typically 0.5V @ Io = 1A - Out ..
+/-40 V, +/-200 mA, wideband buffer
I Semiconductor
LH4012/LH4012C Wideband Buffer
General Description
The LH4012 is a very high speed buffer designed to provide
high current drive at frequencies from DC to over 400 MHz.
The LH4012/LH4012C will provide 1:200 mA into son
loads at slew rates of 11500 V/ps. In addition, it exhibits
excellent phase linearity.
The LH4012 is intended to fulfill a wide range of butter appli-
cations. Due to its high speed it does not degrade the sys-
tom performance. Its high output current makes it adequate
for most loads. Only a single +10V supply is needed for a
5 Vpp video signal.
These devices are constructed using specially selected bi-
polar transistors to achieve guaranteed performance speci-
fications. The LH4012K is specified for operation from
-55"G to + 125''C; the LH4012CK is specified from -25'C
to + 85"C. Both devices are available in an 8-pin TO-a pack-
Featu res
gt Internal supply bypass capacitors
n Ultra fast slewing
a Wide range single or dual supply operation
I: Wide bandwidth DC to 490 MHz
I: High output drive A-ION/ with 50ft load
a Low phase non-linearity 1 deg.
" Fast rise times 1.2 ns
11500 V/ps
II High speed line drivers
I: Video impedance transformation
" Op amp isolation buffers
n Yoke driver for high resolution CRT
Schematic Diagram
Metal Can Package (TO-3)
Top Vlew
Case is Electrically Tied to Pins 4 and 6 (Ground)
Order Number LH4012K or LH4012CK
See NS Package Number KOBA
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Military/Aerospace spettlfled devlces are required,
please contact the National Setttltttmdutttttr Sales
Offlce/Dlstrlbutors for availability and ttpettlflttatlorts.
Output Current, Continuous
Operating Temperature Range
1 200 mA
t 400 mA
Supply Voltage (V +, -V -) 40V LH4012 - 55°C to + 125''C
Maximum Power Dissipation (See Curves) 3W LH40120 - 25°C to + 85°C
Maximum Junction Temperature 1 75''C Storage Temperature Range - 65°C to + 1 50°C
Input Voltage IVOUT i VIN] <3V Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) 300°C
DC Electrical Characteristics
Vs = i15V, Rs = RL = 500, TA = +25''C, unless otherwise specified (Note I)
LH4012 Units (Max
Tested Design un
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typlcal lelt Limit 01:e:wdise
(Note 2) (Note 3) o e )
vos Output Offset i 20 i 50 mV
AVos/AT Aver. Temp. Coeffic. TMIN < TA < TMAX 30 pV/°C
of Output Offset Voltage
13 Input Bias Current
(Notts4) 0.2 0.7 mA
Av Voltage Gain " = dc1OV, RL = 1 kn 0.98 0.95 V/V(Min)
Av Voltage Gain l/tN = 11W 0.93 0.9 V /V (Min)
Cm Input Capacitance 7 pF
Rom Output Impedance VOUT = 110V 2.3 4.5 n
vo Output Voltage Swing 1 1.4 10 V (Min)
PSRR Power Supply
Rejection Ratio 70 dB
LSAV Low Supply Vs = A 5V, 0.85 .
. - 0.92 V/ V (Min)
Voltage Gain VIN - I2.5V 0.85
LSVo Low Supply Output Vs = , 5V .
VoltageSwing 3.4 as V(Min)
Is Supply Current RL --- 00. Vs = i15V 65 75 mA
LVIs Low Voltage Vs - :5V 21 30 tttA
Supply Current
PD Power Consumption RL = cc. Vs = i15V 1.95 2.25 W
PD PowerConsumption RL = 00, Vs = i5.0V 0.21 0.3 W
DC Electrical Characteristics
Vs = 115V, Rs = RL = 500, TA = "T 25°C, unless otherwise specified (Note 1)
LH40120 Unlts (Max
Tested Deslgn un
Symbol Parameter _ Conditions Typical lelt Limit "tll',',':','',"'
i (Note 2) (Note 3) tt e )
vos Output Offset _ i 20 l 50 mV
AVOS/AT Aver. Temp. Coeffic. i' TWN < TA < TMAX 30 V /''C
of Output Offset Voltage ,' P
IB Input Bias Current (Note 4) 0.2 0.7 mA
Av Voltage Gain Ve: = i1OV, RL = 1 kn 0.98 0.95 V/V (Min)
AV Voltage Gain c_r1y = i10V 0.93 0.9 WV (Min)
Cm Input Capacitance 3 7 pF
ROUT Outputlmpedance VOUT = i1OV 2.3 4.5 n
V0 Output Voltage Swing 1 1.4 10 V (Min)
PSRR Power Supply 70 db (Min)
Rejection Ratio
LSAv Low Supply Vs = i 5V, .
Voltage Gain VIN = i 2.5V th92 0.85 WV (Min)
LSVO Low Supply Output VS ITT. l 5V 3.4 2.5 V (Min)
Voltage Swing
Is Supply Current RL = oo, Vs = A15V 65 75 mA
LVIs Low Voltage Vs = i 5V 21 30 mA
Supply Current
PD Power Consumption RL = 00, Vs == i t5V 1.95 2.25 W
PD PowerConsumption Vs = i5.0V 0.21 0.3 W
AC Electrical Characteristics Tu = +25°C, vs = 215V, Rs = 500, RL = 500 (Note 5)
LH4012ILH40120 Unlts (Max
Tested Deslgn un
Symbol Parameter Conditions Typical le11 Limit Otherwise
(Note 2) (Note 3) Ntsterd)
SR Slew Rate VIN = 20 Vp_p 11500 V/ps
SSBW SmallSignal Ihr: = 0.223 Vrms .
Bandwidth 460 400 MHz (Min)
PBW Power Bandwidth FIL = 50n, VIN = 10 Vp-p 230 200 MHz
Phase Non-Linearity BW = 1.0 MHz to 100 MHz 1 Degrees
Rise Time VIN == 20 Vp_p, t, = 500 ps 1.2 ns
Propagation Delay VIN = 20 Vp_p 1 ns
Harmonic Distortion VIN = 10 Vp-p o
f = 100 MHz 0.5 '/o
Note 1: Boldface limits are guaranteed over full temperature range. Operating ambient temperamre range at LH4012C is -25'C to + 690. and LH4012 is -5ti'C
to + 1290.
Note 2: Tested limits are guaranteed and 100% production tested.
Not. 3: Design limlts are guaranteed (but not production tested) over the indicated temperature or temperature range. These limits are not used to calculate
outgoing quallty leveL
Note 4: Specifications is at 25°C Junction temperature due to requirements of high speed automatic testing. Actual values an operating temperature w'dl exceed
value at T: == 25'C.
Note P. For test circuixa see Figures 1, P.
Typical Performance Characteristics
Powor Dlulpatlon
' " Temperature
Pour Mum (VI)
tussov c/w
ty 25 5O 75 too tes 150
T-ture PC)
Output Offset Voltage
" Temperature
Output W Van”. (mV)
-50 0 50 too
I’Imponlm (e)
Galn and Phase
" Frequency
Gab (d)
Framer (NH!)
output Vo'hgc :va (V)
cum voum: (tv/a.)
" " Tcmporatura
Output Voltage Swing
'50 , 50 too 150
lunpcntun (N)
Input Bias Current
" Tomporature
y troll
-so 0 50 ‘W
Yomponiun PC)
Phase " Frequency
ttt 40 60 M 100
mency MM
Fall Tlme
TIME (500 tu/div.)
0mm PM (ah)
0mm! vomc: (‘v/aw.)
Output Voltage Swing
' " Temperature
4:0 0 In ltn MO
Tomaomun Pc)
1 dB Compreraalon
" Frequency
20 " i
to mu 1”
quucncy (NH!)
Rise Tlme
Rs a 3500,
v, = 2 tW
me (500 "hte.)
Typical S Parameters vs = k15V, RL = Rs = son
f $11 S21 $12 S22
MHz Mag Ang dB Ang dB Ang Mag Ang
10 0.99 -3 5.27 -3.7 -60 54 0.87 176
100 0.99 -26 5.20 -33 - 32 129 0.92 167
250 1.0 - 82 5.15 -94 - 14 69 0.94 138
500 0.80 - 170 1.20 -182 -10 -22 0.60 96
Small Signal Bandwidth Test Circuit
Network Analyzer
RF fl a
Pour Splitter
HPI 1 667A
FIGURE 1. Small Signal Bandwidth Test Circult
Power Bandwidth Test Circuit
Network Analyzer
, f C 20 d8
Power Splitter
1 GM: Power
No. ZHL -2 -8
FIGURE 2. Power Bandwidth Test Circult
Application Information
LAYOUT: Breadboards should have a solid ground plane
and short point-to-point wiring. Do not use wire wrap boards
or techniques. PC boards should have short connections
and as much ground plane as possible.
It is best to have a layout without sockets, but sockets with
shortpins and receptacles do not significantly degrade the
The LH4012 has built-in 0.01 HF power supply bypass ca-
pacitors, but additional 4.7 p.F tantalum capacitors are
needed a maximum of 1" distant from the pins.
Input and output signals should be fed by coax or microstrip
if the distances are more than a few inches to avoid imped-
ance mismatches and resulting reflections. However, inside
a feedback loop all connections should be short to avoid
time delays and the associated phase shifts.
SOURCE RESISTANCE: The LH4012 is designed to work
from a 500. or higher source impedance. If driven from a low
source impedance. especially if it is inductive, a series input
resistor is recommended that brings the source impedance
to 50n, or instabilities could result.
CAPACITIVE LOADING: As with all buffers, capacitive
loading can lead to instabilities. This can be minimized by
reducing the phase angle of the load with a resistor either in
series or in parallel with the capacitor or with a combination
of both.
The charge current of the load capacitor,
C Load 8 -
should be considered when the load current is checked
against its absolute maximum limit.
In addition, power dissipation resulting from driving capaci-
tive loads plus standby power should be kept below the
package power rating.
PAC + Poc < PPkg. Diss.
PAC = (VPP)2 M f X C load
Poc=(V+ -V-)xls
where Vpp = output voltage swing
t = Frequency
be used as a current booster or isolation buffer within a
closed loop with op amps such as LH0032, LM6161, or
LM118. An isolation resistor of 47n should be used be-
tween the op amp output and the input of the LH4012. The
wide bandwidth and high slew rate of the LH4012 assures
that the loop has the characteristics of the op amp and that
additional frequency compensation is not required.
HEATSINK: In order to utilize the full drive capabilities of
both the LH4012K or the LH4012CK, the device should be
mounted with a heatsink, particularly for extended tempera-
ture operation.
VOLTAGE SWING: Input voltage is allowed to swing be-
tween positive and negative supply voltage levels, but it
must be within 13V of the output voltage. It the voltage
differential from input to output is greater than i3V the
base-to-emitter diode of one of the input transistors will be
broken down in reverse and the transistor will be degraded
and could be destroyed.
SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: In the interest of high per-
lormance the LH4012 has been designed without built-in
protection. The simplest protection is a series resistor in the
output. This approach has the advantage that input and out-
put voltage of the buffer stay close together even during a
shorted load. The main disadvantage is that the output volt-
age swing is reduced. Accuracy is normally not a problem,
since the voltage drop across the protection resistor can be
compensated for by more gain somewhere else in the cir-
cuit. This is especially true it the buffer is used within the
feedback loop of an opamp.
Application Information (Continued)
Output Short Circuit Ptotoctlon
Using a Series Resistor
Offset Adjust
Isolation Buffer
Coaxlal Cable Drlvor
Application Information (Continued)
Laser Dlode Transmitter
tt5Y +15v
VHF Power Osclllalor 100 MHz 1W
This datasheet has been :
Datasheets for electronic components.
National Semiconductor was acquired by Texas Instruments.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
LH4012CK - product/Ih40120k?HQS=T|-null-null-dscatalog-df-pf-null-wwe
LH4012K - product/Ih4012k?HQS=T|-null-null-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe