LH4002CN ,+/-6 V, wideband video bufferapplications within an op amp loop. This I Wideband Line Driver
allows the output current capabili ..
LH4006D ,+/-8 V, +/-100 mA, precision RF closed loop bufferApplications
I Line drivers
I Video buffers
I Pulse amplifiers
LH4012CK ,+/-40 V, +/-200 mA, wideband bufferElectrical Characteristics
Vs = i15V, Rs = RL = 500, TA = 1 :15°C, unless otherwise specified (Not ..
LH4033CN ,+/-40 V, +/-100 mA, 1.5 W, fast and ultra fast buffer amplifierElectrical Characteristics TA = 25°C, vs = i15V, Rs = 50n, EL = 1.0 kn (Note 6)
Parameter ..
LH4124CN ,600 mW, +/-18 V, high slew rate operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics (Notes1, 2)
Parameter Condltlons Mln Typ Max Units
lnputOffsetVoltage ..
LH4141CN ,+/-18 V, 0.2 A power operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics (Notes 4 a 5)
Parameter Conditions Units
Input Offset Voltage Rs S 100 ..
LM2940T-9.0/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Regulator 3-TO-220 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 176.2 ESD Ratings........ 410.2 Layout Examples...... ..
LM2941CS ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorLM2941/LM2941C 1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorAugust 2002LM2941/LM2941C1A Low Dropout Adjustabl ..
LM2941CSX ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorElectrical Characteristics—LM2941CT, LM2941CS5V ≤ V ≤ 20V, V =V + 5V, C = 22µF, unless otherwise sp ..
LM2941CSX/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable Regulator 5-DDPAK/TO-263 0 to 125features the1• Operating V Range: 6 V to 26 VINability to source 1 A of output current with a typic ..
LM2941CT ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorfeaturessuchasshortcircuitThe LM2941 positive voltage regulator
LM2941CT. ,1A Low Dropout Adjustable RegulatorGeneral Descriptionandtheload.Familiarregulator
+/-6 V, wideband video buffer
gil Natiqnal
, Semiconductor
LH4002 Wideband Video Buffer
General Description
The LH4002 is a high speed voltage follower designed to
drive video signals from DC up to 200 MHz. At voltage sup
plies of i 5V, the LH4002 will provide up to 40 mA into 500
at slew rates in excess of 1000 les.
The device is intended to fulfill a wide range of high speed
applications including video distribution, impedance ttans,
formation, and load isolation. It is also suitable for use in
current booster applications within an op amp loop. This
allows the output current capability of existing op amps to
be increased.
I: DC to 200 MHz Bandwidth with Vs = iSV
n 1250 V/ps Slew Rate into 500
n 150 MHz Bandwidth with Vs = i5V, RL = son and
Voltage Swing = 2 Vp-p
n Wideband Buffer Amplifiers
" Wideband Line Driver
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
1mn /,
"cc, *Vccz
Dual-In-Llne Package
+ch 1 IO NC
-a, 4 7 NC
-r'ca, NC
Top View
Order Number LH4002CN
See NS Package Number N10A
‘VOCI "Vccz TL/K/8686-15
Metal Can Package
OUTPUT TL/Kl8688-3
Top View
Order Number LH4002CH or LH4002H
See NS Package Number HOBD
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If MllltaryfAerottpaee speelfled devlces are required,
please contact the National Sernleortdtmtttr Sales
OfficelDlstrlbutors tor availability and specificatlons.
Supply Voltage. Vs i 6V
Input Voltage Range, VIN i VS
Continuous Output Current, lo d: 60 mA
Storage Temperature Range, TSTG --65% to + 150''C
Operating Temperature Range, TA
LH4002 - 55°C to + 125°C
LH40020 - 25°C to + 85°C
Maximum Junction Temperature, TJ 150°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) 300''C
ESD rating is to be determined.
DC Electrical Characteristics v00 = i5V. Tmin E TA s Tmax unlessotherwisestated.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Mln Typ Max Unlts
Vos Input Offset Voltage It, = 'd 0023 IC: 500 20 50 mV
IB Input Bias Current Rs = 1 kn, RL = 500 100 200 p.A
Av DC Voltage Gain Rs = 10 kn, RL = 1.0 m, " = e2N 0.95 0.97 V/V
vo OutputVollage Swing Rs = 1500. VIN = 12.5V RL = 1 kn $2.2 $2.4 V
TA = 25''C, RL = son $2.0 d:2.2 V
Is Supply Current Rs = 10 kn, VIN = ov, RL = 1 kit, TA = Tu = 25''C 20 35 mA
ROUT OutputResistance Rs = 10 kn,RL = 500 6 10 n
RN Input Resistance Rs = 10 kn, FIL = son 10 18 kit
AC Electrical Characteristics Vcc = i5V, TA = 25"C.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Sn Slew Rate 2rfb's = son 1000 1250 V/ys
Bandwidth, -3 dB Rs = 500. VOUT = 4Vp_p 125 MHZ
fads RL = 50n VOUT = 2Vp.p 100 150 MHz
(Note 2) VOUT = 100 mVp.p 200 MHz
Phase Non-Linearity SW = 1.0-20 MHz 2.0 degrees
tr Rise Time AVIN = 0.5V 3 ns
td Propagation Delay AVIN = 0.5V 1.2 ns
THD Harmonic Distortion f == 1 kHz 0.1 %
Note 1: Under normal operating conditions + V001 and + Vax should be connected togemer. and -Vcct and -Vcat should be connected together.
Nate 2: Guaranteed by design. This parameter is sample tasted.
Connection Diagrams (Continued)
'va: 2 - output
NC 2 - NC
NC 2 s_ we
INPUT 2 - -vcc
Top Vlew
Order Number LH4DOZCN-8
See NS Package Number NOBE
Nata: +Vcc1 and +Vccz pins and ‘ch and -Vau, pins are internally
Top Vlew
Order Number LH4002E
See NS Package Number E20A
Typical Performance Characteristics
Maximum Power Dlsslpatlon
u Metal Can Package Frequency Response
E u S: = son
_ 12 Rs:
5 n CASE ox-wc/w g
0 550 73t00u5t5017s2tn
TL/ K138” -4
mzoumcv. (mu)
Maximum Power Dlsslpatlon
DuaI-ln-Llne Package
TL/K/BBBB- 1 2
Maximum Power Dissipation
For N08E Package
0.9 --
0.6 -1-
0.4 -‘-
POWER mssnumou (wm)
0.3 - -
0 IO 20
I I I l l
I l I l I
304050 60 70 M) 90
TU K/8686-5
Supply Current
ms: (m)
SUPPLY comm (ma)
" 24 I 5 8 6 * 7
Maximum Power Dlsslpation
E20A Package
0 25 50 75 100 l25 150
m: 100 WW
I t l V I .
100 110 120 130
TL/K/8686- "
Pulse Response
w... .. T f;
TOP TRACE f as==ia=i'=asr=azaaa=a
--. OUTPUT '
"Irv, _ I mm) iy"tataam5
:1) 'u=x=zat=====a===a.
V = 15v
,,.,J, 5
'.,aJy H RL a son F==st , '
- gig“ . ,
_ : it " .. u 3.3%
TL/K/8686-7 TL/K/aees-e
Typical Applications
"Y 0.1 r
FIGURE 1. Wldeband Unlty Galn Ampllfler Using LH4002CN
c - CE
50.0. k
50 cr 25 pF I
TL/K/8686-9 TL/K18686-1D
FIGURE 2. Compensation for Capacltlve Loads FIGURE 3. Compensatlon for Capacitive Loads
Applications Information Short Circuit Protection
The high speed performance of the LH4002 can only be In order to optimize transient response and output swing,
realized by taking certain precautions in circuit layout and output current limits have been omitted from the LH4002.
power supply decoupling. Low inductance ceramic chip or Short circuit protection may be added by inserting appropri-
disc power supply decoupling capacitors of th01 HF in paral- ate value resistors between +Vcc1 and +Vcc2 pins and
let with 0.1 pF should be connected with the shortest practi- between "V001 and --VCC2 pins as illustrated in Figure 4.
cal lead length between device supply leads and a ground Resistor values may be predicted by:
plane. Failure to follow these rules can result in oscillations. +VCCt -Vcc,
When driving a capacitive load such as inputs to flash con- RLIM = -%.7- = -iriiT
verters, the circuits in Figure 2 and 3 can be used to mini.. Y. . SC . . . .
mize the amount of overshoot and ringing at the outputs. where lsc I 100 mA. The inclusion or. 50ft liPit.lng rtasistors
Figure J? indicates that a son should be placed in parallel "l the ttttlk-tg of tht tyutput "anS'S‘OFS limits _the. short
with the load and Figure 3 recommends that a 100ft resistor circuit current to a,pproximately 100 mA without reducing the
be placed in series with the input to the LH4002. output voltage swmg.
Short Circuit Protection (Continued)
FIGURE 4. LH4002 Using Redstor Current Limltlng
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
LH4002CH - product/lh4002ch?HQS=T|-nu|I-null-dscataIog-df-pf-null-wwe
LH4002CN - product/Ih40020n?HQS=T|-nu|I-nuIl-dscatalog-df-pf-nulI-wwe
LH4002H - product/Ih4002h?HQS=T|-nu|I-nu|I-dscatalog-df—pf—nuII-wwe