LH4001CN ,Wideband Current BufferFeaturesYDC to 25 MHz bandwidthThe LH4001 is a high speed unity gain buffer designed toYprovide hig ..
LH4001CN ,Wideband Current BufferApplicationsandConnectionDiagramTL/K/8628–1Dual-In-LinePackageTL/K/8628–2TopView*Note:Electricallyc ..
LH4002CH ,+/-6 V, wideband video bufferElectrical Characteristics Vcc = isv, Tmin 3 TA 3 Tmax unlessotherwise stated.
Symbol Parameter Co ..
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I Line drivers
I Video buffers
I Pulse amplifiers
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Vs = i15V, Rs = RL = 500, TA = 1 :15°C, unless otherwise specified (Not ..
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LM2940T-9.0/NOPB ,1A Low Dropout Regulator 3-TO-220 -40 to 125Maximum Ratings.. 410.1 Layout Guidelines.... 176.2 ESD Ratings........ 410.2 Layout Examples...... ..
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Wideband Current Buffer
February 1995
LH4001 Wideband Current Buffer
General Description
The LH4001isa high speed unity gain buffer designedto
provide high current drive capabilityat frequencies fromDC over25 MHz.Itis capableof providinga continuousout-
put currentof g100mAanda peakof g200mA.
The LH4001is designedto fulfilla wide rangeof applica-
tions suchas impedance transformation, high impedance
input buffersfor A/D converters and comparators,as well high speedline drivers.Itis also suitableforuseincur-
rent booster applications withinanop amp loop. This allows
the output current capabilityof existingop ampstobein-
creasedto g100 mA.
FeaturesDCto25 MHz bandwidth 125 V/ms slew rate Drives g10Vinto 50X Operates from g5to g20V supplies Output swing approaches supply voltage
Applications Boostop amp output Buffer amplifiers Isolate capacitive loads Drive long cables
Typical Applications and Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Top View
*Note: Electrically connected internally.Noconnectionshouldbemadeto thesepins.
OrderNumber LH4001CN
SeeNS PackageNumberN10A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.