LH1605CK ,5 Amp, High Efficiency Switching RegulatorLH1605/LH1605C5Amp,HighEfficiencySwitchingRegulatorFebruary1995LH1605/LH1605C5Amp,HighEfficiencySwi ..
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5 Amp, High Efficiency Switching Regulator
February 1995
LH1605/LH1605C Amp, High Efficiency Switching Regulator
General Description
The LH1605isa hybrid switching regulatorwith high output
current capabilities.It incorporatesa temperature-compen-
sated voltage reference,a duty cycle modulator withthe
oscillator frequency programmable, error amplifier, highcur-
rent-high voltage output switch, anda power diode. The
LH1605can supplyupto5Aof output current overa wide
rangeof regulated output voltage.
Features Step down switching regulator Output adjustable from 3.0Vto30V5A output current High efficiency Frequency adjustableto100 kHz Standard 8-pin TO-3 package
Block and Connection Diagrams
Case isGround
Order Number LH1605Kor
SeeNS Package Number K08A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.