LH0101AK/MIL ,LH0101 Power Operational AmplifierLH0101PowerOperationalAmplifierFebruary1995LH0101PowerOperationalAmplifierGeneralDescription
LH0101AK-MIL ,LH0101 Power Operational AmplifierFeaturesY5 Amp peak, 2 Amp continuous output currentThe LH0101 is a wideband power operational ampl ..
LH0101CK ,Power Operational AmplifierlVI/l X I IVI
Power Opera tional Amplifier
LH0101K ,Power Operational Amplifierapplications requiring '
both standard op amp performance and high current PART TEOMP' RANFE PACKA ..
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LH0101 Power Operational Amplifier
February 1995
LH0101 Power Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LH0101isa wideband power operational amplifierfea-
turing FET inputs, internal compensation, virtuallyno cross-
over distortion, andrapid settling time. These features make
the LH0101an ideal choiceforDCorAC servo amplifiers,
deflection yoke drives, programmable power supplies,and
disk head positioner amplifiers.The LH0101is packagedin8pin TO-3 hermetic package, ratedat60 watts witha
suitable heat sink.
Features5 Amp peak,2 Amp continuous output current 300 kHz power bandwidth 850 mW standby power (g15V supplies) 300pA input bias current10 V/ms slew rate Virtuallyno crossover distortion2ms settling timeto 0.01%5 MHz gain bandwidth
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Order Numbers LH0101K,
LH0101K-MIL, LH0101CK,
LH0101AK-MILor LH0101ACK
SeeNS Package Number K08A
Note: Electricallyconnectedinternally,no
connection shouldbe madetopin.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.