LH0101K ,Power Operational Amplifierapplications requiring '
both standard op amp performance and high current PART TEOMP' RANFE PACKA ..
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LH05-10B05 , LH series ----is a compact size power converter offered by Mornsun.
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Power Operational Amplifier
Power Opera tional Amplifier
General Description
The Maxim LHO101 Power Operational Amplifier de-
livers up to 5 Amp peak output current. Packaged in a
rugged TO-3 case, the LH0101 combines the ease of
use and performance of a FET input op amp with the
power handling capabilities of a 5 Amp output stage.
The output short circuit protection makes this device
ideal for driving AC and DC motors, large capacitive
loads. and electromagnetic actuators. The output
stage virtually eliminates crossover distortion while
using little quiescent power.
The LH0101 is a wideband amplifier, with a full power
bandwidth of 300kHz and a gain bandwidth of 5MHz.
To simplify connection to the LH0101, the output of
Maxim's LHO101 IS connected to both the case and to
pin 4.
Applica tions
The LH0101 is well suited tor applications requiring
both standard op amp performance and high current
Fea tures
. Pin for Pin 2nd Source!
5 Amp Peak, 2 Amp Continuous Output Current
Virtually No Crossover Distortion
300 kHz Power Bandwidth
300 pA Input Bias Current
10 V/pS Slew Rate
00 .09
5 MHz Gain Bandwidth
2 ps Settling Time to 0.01%
. Adjustable Current Limit
Ordering Information
output capability: ‘V.L.HCDOFC_K - 25°C to +8500 8 Lead Ta‘L
LH0101K -55''C to +125°C 8 Lead TO-3 l
DC Motors . - - - - (
AC Motors LH0101ACK - 35°C to '85T, g Lead TO-si
Actuators _L_H0101AK 55°C to 1125''C, 8 L_ead TO-3
Coaxial Cable Drivers
Programmable Power Supplies
Typical Operating Circuit Pin Configuration
Top View
" "pf,
_ PIN 4
Maxim Integrated Products 1
& the latest literature: http://,
Power Opera tional Amplifier
Supply Voltage, vs ...r.__...m...rm.r_...._rF_...m. :22V
Power Chssipation at TA - 25''C ....................... 5W
Derate linearly al 25°C/W to zero at 150°C
Power Dissipation at TC a 25°C ...................... 62W
Derate linearly at 2°C/W to zero at 150°C
Differential Input Voltage. VIN ............... t40V but .. :Vs
Input Voltage Range. ch .................. :20V but ", +VS
Peak Output Current (50ms pulse) ..................... 5A
Output Short Circuit Duration
(within rated power
dissipation, RSC 7 0 35n,Ts ' 2510; Pr...-... Contmuous
Operating Temperature Range
LH0101AC, LHO101C ................... -25''C to *85°C
LH0101A. LH0101 ...................... -551 to 41253C
Storage Temperature .................... -65''C to 1160”C
Maximum Junction Temperature .................... 150"C
Lead Temperature (Soldering,
<1 10 seconds) .......... 300"C
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Max-mum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the devuce These are stress ratings only and (unchonal
operation ot ttle devnce at tt1ese or any other condmons above those indicated In the operallona‘ secllons of the specifications IS pol Implved Exposure to
absolute maxmum ratl'"g condmons tor extended periods may affect dewce reluabvmy
IVS - :15V. T, = 25°C unless otherwise noted, see Note 1)
Vii i TT" v T _ "7 "
- " MIN. TYP. MAX. MIN.7 TYP. MAX. J -
TA = 25°C 1 3 'r1rt'r' 5 10 mV
Input Offset 1111_ Vos MIN S T, 5 TMAX (Note 4) TT - - 15 mV
Change In
Input Offset Voltage (rt-, (Note 2) 150 300 pV/W
wuth dissipated power A D J A -
IChange In AVOC - U
nput Offset Voltage =.N's' VCs, - O 10 10 “V C
with temperature AT _
TA : 25”C 300 i _-I_oori-_j pA _
Input Bias Current IE TA S TMAX LH0101C/AC 60 60 nA
l (Note 4) LHO101/A 300 T" 10007 'ii-i
TA a 25°C 75 250 Y
Input Offset Current log Ta C, TMAX LH0101C/AC 15 - 15 nA
(Note 4) LH0101/A 75 250 DA C
Large Signal T - a ,
Voltage Gain AVOL Vo 10v. RL 1011 50 200 50 200 v, mV
T T Rsc = on RL :10012 Tr :117 >125 - - 11.7 <125_‘ v L
Output Voltage Swing Vo AV 2 +1 RL =1011 L :11 1116 , 11 - 11.6 - v
- i _,eo,tt 3) RL a 5il - :105 r11 - rt10.5 ~11 - - Ir,
30mm" Mode CMRR Avw = :1ov 85 100 85 100 dB
j‘ectlon lap, ---h- - 7 -T----H
Power supp”, PSRR _ AVS, = t5V to -15V I 85 100 85 100 dB l
Rejection Ratio -
Quiescent Supply I " 2 l
s 8 35 28 35 mA
LWL - g ' ,1,A A_“i - g
/VI A X I lVl