LH0075CG ,LH0075 Positive Precision Programmable RefulatorFeatures
The LH0075 is a precision programmable regulator for posi- Output adjustable to 0V
tiv ..
LH0076CG ,200 mA, 0 to 27 V, negative precision programmable regulatorApplications
Metal Can Pa‘ckage Preclslon - 15V Reference Supply wlthoul Current Limit
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LH0075 Positive Precision Programmable Refulator
1 Semiconductor
LH0075 Positive Precision Programmable Regulator
General Description Features
The LH0075is a precision programmable regulator for posi- ll Output adjustable to 0V
thm voltages. Regulated output voltages from 0 to 27V may a Line regulation typically 0.008%lV
be obtained using one external resistor. Also available with. n Load regulation typically 0.075%
out any ex19rnal components are several fixed regulated n Remote voltage sensing
voltages with accuracues' 19 01% (51/, 6V, 10V, 12V and n Ripple rejection of 80 dB
151/). The output currept limit IS adjustable from 0 t.o 200 rpA n A dju stab! e pr 9 cisi o n current limit
usmg two external resistors. These features provider an m-
ventory of precision regulated values in one package. a Output currents to 200 mA
ll Popular voltages available without external resistors
Schematic Diagram
V... vs " Isms:
Connection Diagram Typical Applications
To-a Metal Can Package Preclslon 15V Reference Supply without Current Limit
n 'gy, noanmmun Order Number
mm“ assmunmu LH00re or
See NS Package -
Case is electrically isolated Number H123 . . TL/H 554 1
Needed if deVIce is far from filter capacitors
Absolute Maximum Ratings
If Mi0taryfAerospaee specified devices are requlred,
Operating Temperature Range
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales LH0075 - 55'C to + 125''C
thfIettmltttrittuttmt for avallattlllty and ttpetMeatlons. LH0075C 0°C to + 7UC
tNote 4) Storage Temperature -65'C to + 150''C
Input Voltage 32V Lead Temp. (Soldering, 10 seconds) 300'C
Output Voltage 27V
Output Current 200 mA
Power Dissipation See Curve
Electrical Characteristics Conditions for TMINSTASTMAX unless otherwise noted
Parameter Conditions LH0075 LH007SC Units
Mln Typ Max Min Typ Max
Line Regulation TA = 25''C 0.008 0.02 0.008 0.04 % IV
Load Regulation TA = 25''C,
1 mA< ILOAD<200 mA
VouT s; 5.0V 2.5 7.5 2.5 15 mV
Vouriy 5.0V 0.055 0.15 0.055 0.3 %
Reference Current (IREF) TA = 25%, VIN = 15V 0.998 1.000 1.002 0.995 1.00 1.005 mA
Load Regulation 1 mA < ILOAD <200 mA
VOUT s 5.0V 4.0 15 4.0 25 mV
Vour2 5.0V 0.075 0.3 0.075 0.5 %
Reference Current Drift VIN = 15V - 0.0065 - 0.0065 % PC
Minimum Load Current (IUM) (Note 1) 98 100 102 95 100 105 M
Output Voltage Range o 27 0 27 V
Minimum Input Voltage 10 10 V
Input-Output Differential TA = 25'C, 3.0 3.2 3.0 3.5 V
Voltage t mA < ILOAD<200 mA
Quiescent Supply Current VIN == 15V 6.0 8.0 6.5 10 mA
Ripple Rejection VOUT = 5.0V. f = 120 Hz 65 65 dB
CREF = 2.2 pF 80 80 dB
OutputVoltage TA=25°C (Note 2) 10.1 10.5 10.1 * 1.0 % ,
Tolerance [
Output Voltage Change with (Note 3) 0.003 0.003 %/°C
Temperature (AVOUT/ATemp.)
Note 1: Minimum load current is established by ILM the current from 04 (see schematic). 'LIM goes direcuy to the output it the mm limit feature is used.
Note 2: For VIN=15V and Vour obtained by using RS, R6, F17. and R12 individually.
Nuke 3: Total change over spetstied temperature range.
Note P. Refer to RETSO7SG drawing for military specifies" on the LN0075.
Typical Performance Characteristics
Reference Current Change wnh
Maximum Power Dissipation Temperature (Normalized) _ Temperature Stability
Lt - uv tf . “V
_ " g " " g II
E 1 i5 u E
'a L- ,
t, " E n 2
g t mum" g AM cum!!!” i-", t1EttTEttMc
" = 1 if, At.' g
o M2 - " " " m m
I 25 su " “a 115 "' Att ~15 ' 25 " " * tts Alt ~25 I
numuunz m mmuwns m TEMPERATURE Cet
Output Voltage Change wlth lnput-Output Differential
Temperature (Normalized) Current Limit Voltage
_ VI" = 15V JI t
F, 102 Vout = 5V 33: "
5 , l' t
ti 't . " M F, - F "
" 4m F- h" a 1
" I "is a
' - E w ' - mu
3 “H c I u ttmr t
, n tn IL . mo ml E: -1 F..
'i" . g; > " ttutr-tRh"
g 4m 3;
.1] = " ll
4m -25 o " " 15 m 115 -M -25 a ts an 75 m 125 "a -25 u " © " m ttt
vswsanunu e) TEMPERATURE , c: rmrsnnun: rm
Load Transient Response Load Transient Response
(Voltage Mode) (Current Mode) Rlpple Rejectlon
tg , Itttt - tW vm =15v CRtF . 1.UFd
ES VDIJT . w 5 low . Ion mA, MAX
Ti' ' Eur“ E CW” 5
1 = - -
t f, :3 g
's , 2 "G
9 F- 3
-t i', g Cm " tt
g E ttttt . ISV
Cie, I" g E 'OU'I . 20. mA
g - i', = VOUT . HIV
p, g . -.- r, . " t
a - a i'
E n " to so In S o " " w " m m u 1: mu m
ms (nu TIME (sal mnumcv om
Llne Transient Response Llne Transient Response Output Impedance
It m '" 2m v 15v '0:
w - m ' 0 b" "tttt m ' Vm'IBV
" > ll . " ' a ll ' " 1
< our our .
E f cm: I o "ie'st, um tttes = 2.1m g "WT "
'dt tr,'g 5trtt g tet .ttlhttA
E 5 g; g tt g f
g o tet -Sttt1 i t
'd s 'd 3 , o 4
: - 2 - "
it'?, ft''? M ra
a = " = It l
't u o m zoo m can , " o m zoo nu ma tt m te ttt 10a "' “II
TIME w m: (m rnmumvuu
Typical Applications (Continued)
2A Regulator with Current lelt
0.1 " *:_
variable Voltage Reference wlth Current Limit
no nos: 'tum,
virto-t. -
tor PM _
thluF 'ZZ.'
'Neaded If device is tar from liner capacitors -
"Optlonai-4mproves transient response
- VOUT Desired
FROG - -irgi- 'OUT(MAX) -
+1] X100p.A
Applications Information
' Vour
k" nmm:
The LH0075 does not require capacitors for stable opera- from filter capacitors. A 0.1 pF for input bypassing should
tion, but an input bypass ls recommended if device is far be adequate for almost all applications.
Applications Information (Continued)
Ripple Rejectlon Compensation. (Increases Ripple Re-
lectlon Typlcalty to 80 dB)
The ripple rejection may be improved by connecting an ex-
ternal capacitor between pin 9 and ground. (The typical per-
formance curves show the rejection with a capacitance of
2.2 de.)
Internal Voltage Programming
The LM0075 provides various precision output voltages sim-
ply by using one or more of the internal resistors. A particu-
lar voltage may be obtained by external connections as
shown in Table I.
, Mi, RB, " and R12 are
precision-trimmed to 0.1%.
External Voltage Programming
An external resistance can be connected between pin 9 and
ground to obtain any voltage from 0 to 27V using the follow-
ing equation:
_ VOUT Desired
_ 1 mA
The reference current (IREF) has a typical temperature coef-
fitrient of-tis ppm/T. Choosing a resistive material with a
temperature coefficient of 65 ppm/‘C will compensate the
negative temperature coefficient, resulting in an output volt-
age with minimal change over the operating temperature
range. Example of a good resistive material is Nichrome,
which has a typical temperature coefficient of 80 ppm/°C.
Since a current source is used as a reference, tNs makes
remote voltage programming possible.
Current Limit Programming
The maximum current output of the device may be limited
by adding two external resistors as shown below. The resis-
tor values are easily calculated with the following equation:
+1] yt 100;.LA
'OUT(MAX) = [
where RSENSE=1 to loft
FIGURE 2. Current Limit Programmng
This programmable current limit feature can be extended to
make the LH0075 a programmable constant current source.
This can be done by leaving pin 9 open and setting
RLIMIT and RSENSE as desired.
For applications where the current limit is used, a minimum
load current of 100 pA is established at the output. This
arises from the fact that the constant current used in setting
maximum output current is 100 M, and it goes directly to
the output of the LHOO75. If the total current drawn from the
output is less than the minimum, the output will rise.
As in the remote voltage adjustment application, remote
current sensing can be applied similarly. RSENSE must be
placed as close to the output of the LH0075 as possible, but
RUM” can be a fixed resistor or potentiometer located re-
motely from the device.
TABLE I. Connection Scheme for Internal Available Output Voltages
This datasheet has been :
Datasheets for electronic components.
National Semiconductor was acquired by Texas Instruments.
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This file is the datasheet for the following electronic components:
LH0075G - product/lh0075g?HQS=T|-nu|l-nulI-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
LH0075CG - product/lh0075cg?HQS=TI-nu|I-null-dscatalog-df-pf—nuII-wwe
LH0075 - product/Ih0075?HQS=T|-nu|I-nu|I-dscatalog-df—pf-nuII-wwe