LH0071-0H ,LH0070 Series Precision BCD Buffered ReferenceLH0070SeriesPrecisionBCDBufferedReferenceLH0071SeriesPrecisionBinaryBufferedReferenceJuly1987LH0070 ..
LH0071--0H ,LH0070 Series Precision BCD Buffered ReferenceFeaturesally independent of input voltage, load current, temperatureYAccuracy output voltageand tim ..
LH0071-1H ,LH0070 Series Precision BCD Buffered Referenceapplications.YLow output impedance 0.2XThe output voltage is established by trimming ultra-stable,Y ..
LH0071-2H ,LH0070 Series Precision BCD Buffered ReferenceApplicationsStatisticalVoltageStandard*OutputVoltageFineAdjustmentTL/H/5550–9TL/H/5550–8*Note: The ..
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Metal Can Pa‘ckage Preclslon - 15V Reference Supply wlthoul Current Limit
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LH0070 Series Precision BCD Buffered Reference
July 1987
LH0070 Series Precision BCD Buffered Reference
LH0071 Series Precision Binary Buffered Reference
General Description
The LH0070and LH0071are precision, three terminal, volt-
age references consistingofa temperature compensated
zenerdiodedriven bya current regulatoranda buffer ampli-
fier.The devices providean accurate referencethatis virtu-
ally independentof input voltage, load current, temperature
and time. The LH0070hasa 10.000V nominal outputto
provide equal step sizesin BCD applications.The LH0071
hasa 10.240V nominal outputto provide equal step sizesin
binary applications.
The output voltageis establishedby trimming ultra-stable,
low temperaturedrift,thinfilm resistors underactual operat-
ing circuit conditions. The devicesare shortcircuit proofin
boththe current sourcingand sinking directions.
The LH0070 and LH0071 series combine excellent long
term stability, easeof application, and low cost, making
them idealchoices asreference voltages inprecisionDtoA
andAtoD systems.
Features Accuracy output voltage
LH0070 10Vg0.02%
LH0071 10.24Vg0.02% Single supply operation 11.4Vto 40V Low output impedance 0.2X Excellentline regulation 0.1 mV/V Low zener noise 20 mVp-p 3-lead TO-5(pin compatible withthe LM109) Short circuit proof Low standby current 3mA
Equivalent Schematic
Connection Diagram
TO-5MetalCan Package
Order Number LH0070-0H, LH0071-0H,LH0070-1H,
SeeNS Package Number H03B
Typical Applications
Statistical Voltage Standard
*Output VoltageFineAdjustment
*Note:The outputofthe LH0070and LH0071maybe adjustedtoa precise voltageby usingthe above circuit sincethe supply currentofthe devicesis
relativelysmalland constantwith temperatureand inputvoltage.Forthe circuit shown, supply sensitivitiesare degraded slightlyto 0.01%/V changeinVOUT
for changesinVINandVb. additional temperaturedriftof 0.0001%/§C isaddedduetothe variationof supplycurrentwith temperature ofthe LH0070and LH0071. Sensitivitytothe
valueofR1,R2andR3isless than0.001%/%.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.