LH0021CK ,1.0 Amp Power Operational AmplifierFeaturesinputs and outputs are protected against overload. the de-YOutput currentvices are compensa ..
LH0021K ,1.0 Amp Power Operational AmplifierLH0021/LH0021C1.0AmpPowerOperationalAmplifierLH0041/LH0041C0.2AmpPowerOperationalAmplifierAugust198 ..
LH0022CH ,+/-22 V, 500 mW, high performance FET op ampFeatures
Low input offset current-OO femtoamps max (LH0052)
Low input offset drift--2 pNI''ty t ..
LH0022CH ,+/-22 V, 500 mW, high performance FET op ampapplications as electrometer and
photocell amplification, pico-ammeters. and high input im-
pedan ..
LH0022H ,+/-22 V, 500 mW, high performance FET op ampApplications Literature.
The LH0023/LH0023C and LH0043/LH00430 are com-
plete sample and hold circui ..
LM2902. ,Low Power Quad Operational AmplifiersApplicationsPart Number Informationb- Summing AmplifiersPARTNUMBER TEMP. PKG. Multivibratorso(BRA ..
LM2902AWYDT ,Low power quad operational amplifierFeatures• Wide gain bandwidth: 1.3 MHz • Input common-mode voltage range includes Nnegative railDIP ..
LM2902AWYPT ,Low power quad operational amplifierapplications . . . . 105 Macromodel . . . . . . . 126 Package information 136.1 DIP14 ..
LM2902D ,QUAD DIFFERENTIAL INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOrder this document by LM324/D * ** ** *QUAD DIFFERENTIAL INPUTThe LM324 series are low–cost, qua ..
LM2902DR ,Quad General-Purpose Operational AmplifierSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareLM224K,LM224KA,LM324 ..
LM2902DR2 ,Single Supply Quad Operational AmplifierMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
1.0 Amp Power Operational Amplifier
August 1989
LH0021/LH0021C 1.0 Amp Power Operational Amplifier
LH0041/LH0041C 0.2 Amp Power Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LH0021/LH0021C and LH0041/LH0041Care general
purpose operational amplifiers capableof delivering large
output currentsnot usually associatedwith conventionalIC Amps. The LH0021will provide output currentsinex-
cessofone ampereat voltage levelsof g12V;the LH0041
delivers currentsof 200mAat voltage levels closelyap-
proachingthe available power supplies.In addition, boththe
inputsand outputsare protected against overload.thede-
vicesare compensatedwitha single external capacitorand
are freeofany unusual oscillationor latch-up problems.
The excellent input characteristicsand high output capabili-ofthe LH0021 makeitan ideal choicefor power applica-
tions suchasDC servos, capstan drivers, deflection yoke
drivers,and programmable power supplies.
The LH0041is particularly suitedfor applications suchas
torque driverfor inertial guidance systems, diddle yoke driv-for alpha-numeric CRT displays, cable drivers,and pro-
grammable power suppliesfor automatictest equipment.
The LH0021is suppliedina8pin TO-3 package rated at20
wattswith suitable heatsink.The LH0041is supplied inbothpin TO-8(2.5 watts withclipon heatsink)anda power8
pin ceramic DIP(2 watts with suitable heatsink). The
LH0021and LH0041are guaranteed overthe temperature
rangeof b55§Cto a125§C while the LH0021C and
LH0041Care guaranteed from b25§Cto a85§C.
Features Output current
LH0021 1.0 Amp
LH0041 0.2 Amp Output voltage swing
LH0021 g12Vinto 10X
LH0041 g14Vinto 100X Widefull power bandwidth 15 kHz Low standby power 100 mWat g15V Low input offset
voltageand current 1mVand20nA High slew rate 3.0V/ms High open loop gain 100dB
Schematic Diagram
*RSC externalon‘‘G’’and‘‘K’’ packages.RSC
internalon‘‘J’’ package. OffsetNull connec-
tions availableonlyon‘‘G’’ package.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.