LH0004CH ,LH0004 High Voltage Operational AmplifierFeaturesYCapable of operation over the range ofg5V tog40VYLarge output voltage typically g35V for t ..
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Low input offset current-OO femtoamps max (LH0052)
Low input offset drift--2 pNI''ty t ..
LH0022CH ,+/-22 V, 500 mW, high performance FET op ampapplications as electrometer and
photocell amplification, pico-ammeters. and high input im-
pedan ..
LH0022H ,+/-22 V, 500 mW, high performance FET op ampApplications Literature.
LM2902. ,Low Power Quad Operational AmplifiersApplicationsPart Number Informationb- Summing AmplifiersPARTNUMBER TEMP. PKG. Multivibratorso(BRA ..
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LH0004 High Voltage Operational Amplifier
February 1995
LH0004 High Voltage Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LH0004isa general purpose operational amplifierde-
signedto operate from supply voltagesupto g40V. The
device dissipates extremelylow quiescent power, typically8at 25§CandVSe g40V.
The LH0004’s high gain and wide rangeof operating volt-
ages makeit idealfor applications requiring large output
swingandlow power dissipation.
The LH0004is specifiedfor operation overthe b55§Cto
a125§C military temperature range.The LH0004Cis speci-
fiedforoperation overthe 0§Cto a85§Ctemperature range.
Features Capableof operation overthe rangeof g5Vto g40V Large output voltage typically g35Vfor the LH0004
and g33Vfor the LH0004C intoa2kX load with
g40V supplies Low input offset voltage typically0.3mV Frequency compensation with2 small capacitors Low power consumption8mWat g40V
Applications High voltage power supply Resolver excitation Wideband high voltage amplifier Transducer power supply
Schematic and Connection Diagrams
Note:Pin7mustbe groundedor connectedtoa
voltage atleast5Vmore negativethanthe positive
supply(Pin 9).Pin 7maybe connected tothe nega-
tive supply; however,the standby currentwillbein-
creased.A resistormaybe insertedin serieswith
Pin7toPin 9.The valueofthe resistor shouldbea
maximumof100kXpervoltof potential between
Order Number LH0004H,
LH0004H-MILor LH0004CH
SeeNS Package NumberH10G
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.