LF442CN ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierFeaturesn 1/10 supply current of a LM1458: 400 µA (max)The LF442 dual low power operational amplifi ..
LF442MH/883 ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierFeatures- 1/10 supply current of a LM1458 400uA - Low input bias current 10p ..
LF444ACN ,Quad Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 06/21/95MNLF444M-X REV 0ALLast Update Date: 02/17/97 ..
LF444CD ,LOW POWER JFET INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value UnitSupply Voltage (from V to V ) V +36 VCC EE SInput Differenti ..
LF444CDR2 ,Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierOrder this document by LF441C/D ** * * *These JFET input operational amplifiers are designed for lo ..
LF444CM ,Quad Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 06/21/95MNLF444M-X REV 0ALLast Update Date: 02/17/97 ..
LM20CIM7X/NOPB ,?1.5?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor 5-SC70 -55 to 130Features 3 DescriptionThe LM20 is a precision analog output CMOS1• Rated for−55°C to 130°C Rangeint ..
LM20SIBP ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature Sensorapplicationsthe temperature range extremes are +130˚C and −55˚C.Decreasing the power supply voltage ..
LM20SIBPX ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorGeneral Descriptionn FAX MachinesThe LM20 is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-n Printersci ..
LM20SITLX , LM20 2.4V, 10μA, SC70, DSBGA Temperature Sensor
LM210H ,Voltage FollowerFeaturesThe LM110 series are useful in fast sample and hold cir-YInput current 10 nA max over tempe ..
LM210J ,Voltage FollowerFeaturesThe LM110 series are useful in fast sample and hold cir-YInput current 10 nA max over tempe ..
Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifier
Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifier
General DescriptionThe LF442 dual low power operational amplifiers provide
manyof the same AC characteristicsas the industry stan-
dard LM1458 while greatly improvingthe DC characteristics the LM1458. The amplifiers have the same bandwidth,
slew rate, and gain (10kΩ load)as the LM1458 and only
draw one tenththe supply currentofthe LM1458.In addition
the well matched high voltage JFET input devicesof the
LF442 reducethe input bias and offset currentsbya factorof
10,000 over the LM1458.A combinationof careful layout
design andinternal trimming guarantees verylow input offset
voltage and voltage drift. The LF442 also hasa very low
equivalent input noise voltagefora low power amplifier.
The LF442ispin compatible with the LM1458 allowingan
immediate10 times reductionin power drainin many appli-
cations. The LF442 shouldbe used where low power dissi-
pation and good electrical characteristicsare the major con-
Features 1/10 supply currentofa LM1458: 400µA (max) Low input bias current: 50pA (max) Low input offset voltage:1 mV (max) Low input offset voltage drift: 10 µV/˚C (max) High gain bandwidth:1 MHz High slew rate:1 V/µs Low noise voltagefor low power: Low input noise current: High input impedance: 1012Ω High gainVO= ±10V,RL= 10k: 50k (min)
Typical ConnectionOrdering Information
LF442XYZ indicates electrical grade
indicates temperature range
“M”for military
“C”for commercial
indicates package type
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can PackagePin4 connectedto case
Top View
Order Number LF442AMHor LF442MH/883
SeeNS Package Number H08A
Dual-In-Line PackageTop View
Order Number LF442ACNor LF442CN
See NS Package Number N08E
August 2000