LF442 ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics .. 511.3 Glossary. 196.8 Typical Performance Characteristics...... 612 M ..
LF442 ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierLF442DualLowPowerJFETInputOperationalAmplifierFebruary1995LF442DualLowPowerJFETInputOperationalAmpl ..
LF442 ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierFeatures 3 DescriptionThe LF442 dual low power operational amplifiers1• 1/10 Supply Current of a LM ..
LF442ACN ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThe LF442 dual low power operational amplifier provides many of the same AC char ..
LF442AMH ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 06/21/95MNLF442M-X REV 0A1Last Update Date: 08/02/01 ..
LF442CD ,LOW POWER JFET INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOrder this document by LF441C/D ** * * *These JFET input operational amplifiers are designed for lo ..
LM20CIM7 ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorLM20 2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorMarch 2004LM202.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temper ..
LM20CIM7X ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorGeneral Descriptionn FAX MachinesThe LM20 is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-n Printersci ..
LM20CIM7X NOPB ,?1.5?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor 5-SC70 -55 to 130Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LM20CIM7X/NOPB ,?1.5?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor 5-SC70 -55 to 1306.2 ESD RatingsVALUE UNIT(1)Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 ±2500V Electrostatic ..
LM20CIM7X/NOPB ,?1.5?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor 5-SC70 -55 to 130Features 3 DescriptionThe LM20 is a precision analog output CMOS1• Rated for−55°C to 130°C Rangeint ..
LM20SIBP ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature Sensorapplicationsthe temperature range extremes are +130˚C and −55˚C.Decreasing the power supply voltage ..
Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifier
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LF442 Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifier Features 3 DescriptionThe LF442 dual low power operational amplifiers 1/10 Supply Currentofa LM1458: 400 μA (Max) provide manyof the same AC characteristics as the• Low Input Bias Current:50 pA (Max) industry standard LM1458 while greatly improving the• Low Input Offset Voltage:1 mV (Max) DC characteristics of the LM1458. The amplifiers
have the same bandwidth, slew rate, and gain (10 kΩ• Low Input Offset Voltage Drift:7 μV/°C (Typ) load) as the LM1458 and only draw one tenth the• High Gain Bandwidth:1 MHz supply currentof the LM1458.In addition the well• High Slew Rate:1 V/μs matched high voltage JFET input devices of the
LF442 reduce the input bias and offset currents bya• Low Noise Voltage for Low Power: 35 nV/√Hz
factorof 10,000 over the LM1458.A combinationof• Low Input Noise Current: 0.01 pA/√Hz careful layout design and internal trimming ensures• High Input Impedance:1012Ω very low input offset voltage and voltage drift. The High Gain VO= ±10V,RL= 10k: 50k (Min) LF442 also hasa very low equivalent input noise
voltagefora low power amplifier.
Applications The LF442 is pin compatible with the LM1458 High Speed Integrators allowing an immediate 10 times reductionin power
drainin many applications. The LF442 should be• Fast D/A Converters used where low power dissipation and good electrical• Sample and Hold Circuits characteristics are the major considerations.
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe datasheet.
Inverting Amplifier