LF441 ,Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifierelectrical characteristics are the majorof the same AC characteristics as the industry standard con ..
LF441CD ,LOW POWER JFET INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOrder this document by LF441C/D ** * * *These JFET input operational amplifiers are designed for lo ..
LF441CN ,LOW POWER JFET INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSOrder this document by LF441C/D ** * * *These JFET input operational amplifiers are designed for lo ..
LF442 ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierElectrical Characteristics .. 511.3 Glossary. 196.8 Typical Performance Characteristics...... 612 M ..
LF442 ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierLF442DualLowPowerJFETInputOperationalAmplifierFebruary1995LF442DualLowPowerJFETInputOperationalAmpl ..
LF442 ,Dual Low Power JFET Input Operational AmplifierFeatures 3 DescriptionThe LF442 dual low power operational amplifiers1• 1/10 Supply Current of a LM ..
LM20BIM7 ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorFeaturesture of +30˚C. The temperature error increases linearly andn Rated for full −55˚C to +130˚C ..
LM20BIM7X ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorLM20 2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorMarch 2004LM202.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temper ..
LM20CIM7 ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorLM20 2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorMarch 2004LM202.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temper ..
LM20CIM7X ,2.4V, 10µA, SC70, micro SMD Temperature SensorGeneral Descriptionn FAX MachinesThe LM20 is a precision analog output CMOS integrated-n Printersci ..
LM20CIM7X NOPB ,?1.5?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor 5-SC70 -55 to 130Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
LM20CIM7X/NOPB ,?1.5?C Analog Output Temperature Sensor 5-SC70 -55 to 1306.2 ESD RatingsVALUE UNIT(1)Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 ±2500V Electrostatic ..
Low Power JFET Input Operational Amplifier
February 1995
LF441 Low Power JFET
Input Operational Amplifier
General Description
The LF441low power operational amplifier provides manythe sameAC characteristicsasthe industry standard
LM741 while greatly improvingtheDC characteristicsofthe
LM741. The amplifierhasthe same bandwidth, slew rate,
and gain(10kX load)asthe LM741and only drawsone
tenththe supply currentofthe LM741.In addition,thewell
matched high voltage JFET input devicesofthe LF441re-
ducethe input biasand offset currents bya factorof 10,000
overthe LM741.A combinationof careful layout designand
internal trimming guarantees verylow input offset voltage
and voltage drift.The LF441 alsohasa verylow equivalent
input noise voltageforalow power amplifier.
The LF441ispin compatible withthe LM741, allowingan
immediate10 times reductionin power drainin many appli-
cations. The LF441 shouldbe used where low power
dissipationand good electrical characteristicsarethe major
Features 1/10 supply currentofa LM741 200mA (max) Low input bias current 50pA (max) Low input offset voltage 0.5mV (max) Low input offset voltage drift 10 mV/§C (max) High gain bandwidth 1 MHz High slew rate 1 V/ms Low noise voltageforlow power 35 nV/SHz Low input noise current 0.01 pA/SHz High input impedance 1012X High gainVOe g10V,RLe10k 50k (min)
Typical Connection
Ordering Information
LF441XYZ indicates electrical grade indicates temperature range
‘‘M’’for military,
‘‘C’’for commercial indicates package type
‘‘H’’or ‘‘N’’
Connection Diagrams
Metal Can Package
Top View
Note:Pin 4connectedtocase.
Order NumberLF441MH/883
SeeNS Package Number H08A
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number LF441ACN,
LF441CMor LF441CN
See NSPackageNumber M08Aor N08E
BI-FETTM isatrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.