LF398MX/NOPB ,Monolithic Sample and Hold Circuit 14-SOIC 0 to 70Features 3 DescriptionThe LF298 and LFx98x devices are monolithic1• Operates from ±5-V to ±18-V Sup ..
LF398N ,Precision Sample and Hold Amplifier in DIP8 PackageLF198/LF298/LF398, LF198A/LF398A Monolithic Sample-and-Hold CircuitsJuly 2000LF198/LF298/LF398, LF1 ..
LF398S8#TR ,Precision Sample and Hold Amplifier in SO8 Package
LF411 ,Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational AmplifierLF411LowOffset,LowDriftJFETInputOperationalAmplifierFebruary1995LF411LowOffset,LowDriftJFETInputOpe ..
LF411ACH ,Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational AmplifierGeneral DescriptionThis device is a low cost, high speed, JFET input operational amplifier with ver ..
LF411ACH ,Low Offset, Low Drift JFET Input Operational AmplifierFeatures- Internally trimmed offset voltage. 0.5mV - Input offset voltage drift. ..
LM1972N ,Micro-Pot 2-Channel 78 dB Audio Attenuator with MuteGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Total Harmonic Distortion + Noise: 0.003% (max)The LM1972 i ..
LM1973M ,Micro-Pot 3-Channel 76 dB Audio Attenuator with MuteLM1973 µPot 3-Channel 76dB Audio Attenuator with MuteDecember 1994LM1973™µPot 3-Channel 76dB Audio ..
LM1973MX ,Micro-Pot 3-Channel 76 dB Audio Attenuator with MuteApplicationsthe desired attenuation level. The Data-Out pin of then Automated studio mixing console ..
LM1973N ,Micro-Pot 3-Channel 76 dB Audio Attenuator with MuteApplicationsthe desired attenuation level. The Data-Out pin of then Automated studio mixing console ..
LM199AH ,Precision Referenceapplications are analog to digital converters, calibrationstandards, precision voltage or current s ..
LM19CIZ ,2.4V, 10µA, TO-92 Temperature SensorApplicationsj Load Regulationn Cellular Phones< <0µA I +16 µA −2.5 mV (max)n Computers Ln Power Sup ..
Precision Sample and Hold Amplifier
Sample &
Tools &
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LF198-N, LF298, LF398-N
LF298, LFx98x Monolithic Sample-and-Hold Circuits Features 3 DescriptionThe LF298 and LFx98x devices are monolithic Operates from ±5-Vto ±18-V Supplies sample-and-hold circuits that use BI-FET technology• Less than 10-μs Acquisition Time to obtain ultrahigh DC accuracy with fast acquisition• Logic Input Compatible With TTL, PMOS, CMOS of signal and low droop rate. Operating asa unity-
gain follower, DC gain accuracyis 0.002% typical and• 0.5-mV Typical Hold Stepat Ch= 0.01 µF acquisition timeisas lowas6µsto 0.01%.A bipolar• Low Input Offset input stageis usedto achieve low offset voltage and• 0.002% Gain Accuracy wide bandwidth. Input offset adjustis accomplished
witha single pin and does not degrade input offset• Low Output Noisein Hold Mode
drift. The wide bandwidth allows the LF198-Nto be• Input Characteristics Do Not Change During Hold included inside the feedback loop of 1-MHzMode operational amplifiers without having stability• High Supply Rejection Ratioin Sampleor Hold problems. Input impedanceof 1010Ω allows high- Wide Bandwidth source impedances to be used without degrading
accuracy.• Space Qualified, JM38510
P-channel junction FETs are combined with bipolar
2 Applications devicesin the output amplifierto give droop ratesas
low as5 mV/min witha 1-µF hold capacitor. The• Ramp Generators With Variable Reset Level JFETs have much lower noise than MOS devices• Integrators With Programmable Reset Level usedin previous designs and do not exhibit high Synchronous Correlators temperature instabilities. The overall design ensures feedthrough from inputto outputin the hold mode,• 2-Channel Switches even for input signals equalto the supply voltages.• DC and AC Zeroing
Logic inputson the LF198-N are fully differential with• Staircase Generators low input current, allowing for direct connectionto
TTL, PMOS, and CMOS. Differential thresholdis
1.4V. The LF198-N will operate from ±5-Vto ±18-V
supplies.A versionis available with tightened electrical
Device Information(1)(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat
the endofthe data sheet.
Connection Acquisition Time