LF356MX ,JFET Input Operational AmplifiersFeatures(1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at– Extremely Fast Settling Time ..
LF356N ,JFET Input Operational AmplifiersLF155-LF255-LF355LF156-LF256-LF356 LF157-LF257-LF357WIDE BANDWIDTHSINGLE J-FET OPERATIONAL AMPLIFI ..
LF357 ,JFET Input Operational AmplifiersElectrical Characteristics (Continued)(Note 3)LF256/7LF155/6 LF355/6/7Symbol Parameter Conditions L ..
LF357 ,JFET Input Operational AmplifiersApplicationsj Low input 20 12 12n Precision high speed integratorsnoisen Fast D/A and A/D converter ..
LF357AH ,Series Monolithic JFET Input Operational Amplifiersapplications using either high orlow source impedanceÐvery low 1/f cornerUncommon
LF357BH ,+/-18 V, monolithic JEET input operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics TA = T; = 25°C, vs--- :15v
Symbol Parameter Conditions I LF155A/355A ..
LM193AH ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorGeneral Description Advantagesn High precision comparatorsThe LM193 series consists of two independ ..
LM193AH ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorMICROCIRCUIT DATA SHEETOriginal Creation Date: 05/18/95MNLM193A-X REV 1B3Last Update Date: 06/14/04 ..
LM193AH .. ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorLM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorsAugust 2002LM193/LM293/LM393/ ..
LM193AJ/883 ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorFeaturestic in that the input common-mode voltage range includesground, even though operated from a ..
LM193AJ/883 ,Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual ComparatorGeneral DescriptionThe LM193A consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an off ..
LM193DR ,Dual, General Purpose Differential ComparatorElectrical Characteristics for LM2903, LM2903V, and11.4 Trademarks..... 15LM2903AV.. 811.5 Electros ..
JFET-Input Operational Amplifiers Low Supply Current High Speed
Sample &
Tools &
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LF155, LF156, LF256, LF257
LFx5x JFET Input Operational Amplifiers Features 2 Applications Advantages • Precision High-Speed Integrators Fast D/A and A/D Converters– Replace Expensive Hybrid and Module FET Amps • High Impedance Buffers Rugged JFETs Allow Blow-Out Free Handling • Wideband, Low Noise, Low Drift Amplifiers
Compared With MOSFET Input Devices • Logarithmic Amplifiers Excellent for Low Noise Applications Using • Photocell AmplifiersEither Highor Low Source Impedance—Very • Sample and Hold CircuitsLow1/f Corner Offset Adjust Does Not Degrade Driftor
3 DescriptionCommon-Mode Rejectionasin Most The LFx5x devices are the first monolithic JFET inputMonolithic Amplifiers operational amplifiers to incorporate well-matched, New Output Stage Allows Useof Large high-voltage JFETs on the same chip with standard
bipolar transistors (BI-FET™ Technology). TheseCapacitive Loads (5,000 pF) Without Stability
amplifiers feature low input bias and offsetProblems currents/low offset voltage and offset voltage drift,– Internal Compensation and Large Differential coupled with offset adjust, which does not degradeInput Voltage Capability driftor common-mode rejection. The devices are also Common Features designed for high slew rate, wide bandwidth,
extremely fast settling time, low voltage and current– Low Input Bias Current:30 pA noise anda low1/f noise corner.– Low Input Offset Current:3 pA High Input Impedance: 1012Ω
Device Information(1) Low Input Noise Current: 0.01 pA/√Hz High Common-Mode Rejection Ratio: 100 dB– Large DC Voltage Gain: 106 dB• Uncommon Features
(1) Forall available packages, see the orderable addendumat– Extremely Fast Settling Timeto 0.01%:
the endofthe data sheet.– 4μsfor the LFx55 devices 1.5μs for the LFx56
Simplified Schematic 1.5μs for the LFx57 (AV=5) Fast Slew Rate: 5 V/µs for the LFx55 12 V/µsfor the LFx56 50 V/µsfor the LFx57 (AV=5) LFx55 devices the LFx56=5)pF