LF355M ,Series Monolithic JFET Input Operational AmplifiersFeaturescurrents/low offset voltage and offset voltage drift, coupled(LF155A, LF156A, LF157A)with o ..
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Series Monolithic JFET Input Operational Amplifiers
December 1994
LF155/LF156/LF157 Series Monolithic
JFET Input Operational Amplifiers
General Description
Thesearethefirst monolithic JFET input operational ampli-
fiersto incorporatewell matched, high voltage JFETs onthe
same chipwith standard bipolar transistors (BI-FETTM Tech-
nology). These amplifiers featurelow input biasand offset
currents/low offset voltageand offset voltage drift, coupled
with offset adjust which doesnot degradedriftor common-
mode rejection.The devicesare also designed forhighslew
rate, wide bandwidth, extremelyfast settling time,low volt-
ageand current noiseandalow1/f noise corner.
Advantages Replace expensive hybridand module FETop amps Rugged JFETs allow blow-out free handling compared
with MOSFET input devices Excellentforlow noise applications using either highor
low source impedanceÐverylow1/f corner Offset adjust doesnot degrade driftor common-mode
rejectionasin most monolithic amplifiers New output stage allows useof large capacitive loads
(5,000pF) without stability problems Internal compensation and large differential input volt-
age capability
Applications Precision high speed integrators Fast D/A and A/D converters High impedance buffers Wideband,low noise,low drift amplifiers Logarithmic amplifiers Photocell amplifiers Sampleand Hold circuits
Common Features
(LF155A, LF156A, LF157A) Low input bias current 30pA Low Input Offset Current 3pA High input impedance 1012X Low input offset voltage 1mV Low input offset voltage temp. drift 3 mV/§C Low input noise current 0.01pA/0Hz High common-mode rejection ratio 100dB Largedc voltage gain 106dB
Uncommon Features Extremely
fast settling
0.01% Fast slew
rate Wide gain
bandwidth Low input
noise voltage
LF155A LF156A LF157A Units(AVe5) 1.5 1.5 ms
512 50 V/ms
2.5 5 20 MHz 12 12 nV/0Hz
Simplified SchematicpFin LF157series. TL/H/5646–1
BI-FETTM, BI-FETIITM aretrademarksofNational SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.