LCP02 ,Protection IC for ringing SLICsApplications• Dual battery supply voltage SLICs• Central office (CO) GpGn• Private branch exchange ..
LCP02-150B1 ,PROTECTION IC FOR RINGING SLICSAPPLICATIONSn Dual battery supply voltage SLICs- negative battery supply configurationFUNCTIONAL DI ..
LCP02150B1RL ,PROTECTION IC FOR RINGING SLICSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T =25°C)ambSymbol Parameter Value UnitPeak pulse currentI 10/1000μs 30 AP ..
LCP02-150B1RL ,PROTECTION IC FOR RINGING SLICSFEATURESn Protection IC recommended for ringing SLICs.n Wide firing voltage range: from -110V to +9 ..
LCP02-150B1RL ,PROTECTION IC FOR RINGING SLICSAPPLICATIONSn Dual battery supply voltage SLICs- negative battery supply configurationFUNCTIONAL DI ..
LCP02-150M-TR ,PROTECTION IC FOR RINGING SLICSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25°C)Symbol ParameterIHPositive gate triggering currentIGPNegati ..
LH1537AABTR ,Solid State Relay (SSR) 1FormCCharacteristics T =25°CAinformation purposes only and are not part of the testing Minimum and maxim ..
LH1537AAC ,Solid State Relay (SSR) 1FormC LH1527, LH1537 1 Form CAbsolute Maximum Ratings ..
LH1537AB ,Solid State Relay (SSR) 1FormC LH1527, LH1537 1 Form CAbsolute Maximum Ratings ..
LH1540AAB ,1 Form A Solid State Relayabsolute Maximum Ratings for extended periods of I = 3 to 10 mAFon 80 time can adversely affect re ..
LH1540AAB ,1 Form A Solid State RelayElectrical Characteristics, T =25°CAMinimum and maximum values are testing requirements. Typical va ..
LH1540AAB ,1 Form A Solid State RelayRevision 06-March-02 3–155Load Current (mA) Typical Performance CharacteristicsFigure 1. LED Vo ..
Protection IC for ringing SLICs
DocID026111 Rev 1 1/10
LCP02Protection IC for ringing SLICs
Datasheet − production data
Features Protection IC recommended for ringing SLICs Wide firing voltage range: -120 V to +120 V Low gate triggering current: IG = 5 mA max Peak pulse current: IPP = 30 A (10/1000 µs) Holding current: IH = 150 mA min.
Applications Dual battery supply voltage SLICs Central office (CO) Private branch exchange (PBX) Digital loop carrier (DLC) Digital subscriber line access multiplexer
(DSLAM) Fiber in the loop (FITL) Wireless local loop (WLL) Hybrid fiber coax (HFC) ISDN terminal adapter Cable modem
TM: Trisil is a trademark of STMicroelectronics
DescriptionThe LCP02 has been developed to protect SLICs
operating on both negative and positive battery
supplies, as well as high voltage SLICs. It
provides crowbar mode protection for both TIP
and RING lines. The surge suppression is
assumed for each wire by two thyristor structures,
one dedicated to positive surges the second one
for negative surges. Both positive and negative
threshold levels are programmable by two gates.
LCP02 can be used to help equipment to meet
various standards such as UL1950, IEC 60950 /
CSAC22.2, UL1459 and TIA-968-A. LCP02
pinout and clearance is compatible with UL60950.
Resin meets UL94 V0.
LCP02 is UL497B approved - file: E136224.
Figure 1. Functional diagram
Figure 2. Pin-out configuration
Characteristics LCP022/10 DocID026111 Rev 1
1 Characteristics
Table 1. Compliant with the following standards
Table 2. Absolute maximum ratings (Tamb = 25 °C)
DocID026111 Rev 1 3/10
LCP02 Characteristics
Figure 3. Pulse waveform
Table 3. Thermal resistance
Table 4. Parameters related to the negative suppressor The VDGL value is the difference between the peak line voltage during the surge and the programmed gate voltage.
Table 5. Parameters related to the positive suppressor The VDGL value is the difference between the peak line voltage during the surge and the programmed gate voltage.
Table 6. Parameters related to TIP or RING / GND
Characteristics LCP02 DocID026111 Rev 1
DocID026111 Rev 1 5/10
LCP02 Technical information
2 Technical information
Figure 7. LCP02 concept behaviorFigure 7 shows the classical protection circuit using the LCP02 crowbar concept. This
topology has been developed to protect two-battery voltage SLICs. It allows both positive
and negative firing thresholds to be programmed. The LCP02 has two gates (Gn and Gp).
Gn is biased to negative battery voltage -Vbat, while Gp is biased to the positive battery
voltage +Vb.
When a negative surge occurs on one wire (L1 for example), a current IGn flows through the
base of the transistor T1 and then injects a current in the gate of the thyristor Th1 which
turns-on. All the surge current flows through the ground. After the surge, when the current
flowing through Th1 becomes less negative than the negative holding current IH- , Th1
switches off. This holding current IH- is temperature dependent as per Figure4
When a positive surge occurs on one wire (L1 for example), a current IGp flows through the
base of the transistor T2 and then injects a current in the gate of the thyristor Th2 which
fires. All the surge current flows through the ground. After the surge, when the current
flowing through Th2 becomes less positive than the positive holding current IH+ , Th2
switches off. This holding current IH+ , typically 20 mA at 25 °C, is temperature dependent
and the same Figure 4 also applies.
The capacitors Cn and Cp are used to speed up the crowbar structure firing during the fast
rise or fall edges. This allows minimization of the dynamic breakover voltage at the SLIC TIP
and RING inputs during fast surges. Please note that these capacitors are generally
available around the SLIC. To be efficient they have to be as close as possible to the LCP02
gate pins (Gn and Gp) and to the reference ground track (or plan). The optimized value for
Cn and Cp is 220 nF.
The series resistors Rs shown in Figure 7 represent the fuse resistors or the PTCs which
are needed to withstand the power contact or the power induction tests imposed by the
country standards. Taking this factor into account, the actual lightning surge current flowing
through the LCP02 is equal to:
I surge = Vsurge / (Rg + Rs)
V surge = peak surge voltage imposed by the standard.
Rg = series resistor of the surge generator
Rs = series resistor of the line card (e.g. PTC)
Technical information LCP02 DocID026111 Rev 1
For a line card with 50 Ω of series resistors which has to be qualified under GR-1089 1000 V
10/1000 µs surge, the present current through the LCP02 is equal to:
I surge = 1000 / (10 + 50) = 17 A
The LCP02 topology is particularly optimized for the new telecom applications such as fiber
in the loop, WLL systems, and decentralized central office, for example.
Figure 8. Protection of SLIC with positive and negative battery voltagesFigure 8 shows the classical protection topology for SLIC using both positive and negative
battery voltages. With such a topology the SLIC is protected against surge over +Vb and
lower than -Vbat. In this case, +Vb can be programmed up to +120 V while -Vbat can be
programmed down to -120 V.