LB1619 ,3-Phase Brushless Motor DriverPin AssignmentV00: 12V,Vs= 3.5V38 BE65 $6III; min:-5'i'-i.'-'5?,t--'zi,'-izs-,:lstxrer,isii'iix,t'i ..
LB1619 ,3-Phase Brushless Motor DriverElectrical Characteristics at Ta = 25°C,Vcc = 12V,Vs = 3VSupply Current 1 ICC Vmv-- 5VSupply Curren ..
LB1620 ,3-Phase DD Motor DriverFeatures• 3-phase motor driver.• Capable of controlling drive current.• On-chip 3-phase control sig ..
LB1630 ,Low-Saturation Bidirectional Motor Driver for Low-Voltage ApplicationsOrdering number:EN1261EMonolithic Digital ICLB1630Low-Saturation Bidirectional Motor Driverfor Low- ..
LB1630M ,Low-Saturation Bidirectional Motor Driver for Low-Voltage ApplicationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25˚CPl arameter Ss ymbo Cs ondition Rt ating UniMV aximum supply v ..
LB1634 ,Low-Voltage, Low-Saturation Forward/Reverse Motor DriverOrdering number: EN 3545AMonolithic Digital ICLB1634MLow-voltage, Low-saturationForward/Reverse Mot ..
LD87C51FA1 , POWERFUL MICROCONTROLLER from the MCS 51 controller family 44 pin LDCC
LD87C51FA-1 , POWERFUL MICROCONTROLLER from the MCS 51 controller family 44 pin LDCC
LD87C51FA--1 , POWERFUL MICROCONTROLLER from the MCS 51 controller family 44 pin LDCC
LDA200 , Dual Optocouplers, Bidirectional Input Single-Transistor Output
LDA200 , Dual Optocouplers, Bidirectional Input Single-Transistor Output